
Impacts of Pesticides on Wildlife

Photo by Steve Hillebrand, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The impacts of pesticides on wildlife are extensive, and expose animals in urban, suburban, and rural areas to unnecessary risks. Beyond Pesticides defines "wildlife" as any organism that is not domesticated or used in a lab. This includes, but is not limited to, bees, birds, small mammals, fish, other aquatic organisms, and the biota within soil. Wildlife can be impacted by pesticides through their direct or indirect application, such as pesticide drift, secondary poisoning, runoff into local water bodies, or groundwater contamination. It is possible that some animals could be sprayed directly; others consume plants or prey that have been exposed to pesticides.

Click the links below to navigate our wildlife page:

Pesticide exposure can be linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, reproductive effects, neurotoxicity, kidney and liver damage, birth defects, and developmental changes in a wide range of species. Exposure to pesticides can also alter an organism’s behavior, impacting its ability to survive. In birds, for example, exposure to certain pesticides can impede singing ability, making it difficult to attract mates and reproduce. Pesticides can also affect birds' ability to care for offspring, causing their young to die.  For bees, even “near-infinitesimal” levels of systemic pesticides result in sublethal effects, impacting mobility, feeding behaviors, and navigation.  

Many deformations have been found after exposure to hormone-mimicking pesticides classified as endocrine disruptors. The impacts of these chemicals include hermaphroditic deformities in frogs, pseudo-hermaphrodite polar bears with penis-like stumps, panthers with atrophied testicles, and intersex fish in rivers throughout the U.S. Reproductive abnormalities have been observed in mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and mollusks at exposure levels considered “safe” by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Visit our Pesticide Gateway for more information about specific pesticides and their impacts on wildlife.


Biodiversity is the web of life, including the complex array of organisms that live in the environment, and their interactions and interdependencies. The functionality of biodiversity has deep significance for the nurturance and protection of the many individual species in the environment that are part of a greater whole. The impacts of pesticides on wildlife directly relate back to the functional aspects of biodiversity. The Earth’s rich biological heritage of species, communities, and ecosystems, which have evolved across millions of years, is rapidly deteriorating and in many instances irreversibly disappearing. The impacts of pesticides on wildlife is a major cause of concern in the deterioration of biodiversity. 

It has been documented that certain pesticides, when introduced to aquatic environments, cause a decline in species diversity in aquatic organisms and predatory insects. In Europe, it has been found that a 42% loss in species richness occurs due to pesticide exposure, even when such exposures are at concentrations deemed environmentally safe by current legislation. Species richness of beneficial insects, such as bees, spiders, and beetles, has been found to be much higher on untreated or organic fields than on those treated with insecticides. Use of insecticides is a common occurrence in chemical-dependent agriculture.

Organic pest management sharply contrasts with a chemical-intensive approach in terms of its impact on the stability and resiliency of ecosystems. This divergence has enormous consequences for biodiversity and survival of wild species. Various land management practices have different effects on the web of life; recognition of this is crucial to maintaining the intricate balance and life-sustaining benefits of nature. Utilizing organic pest management rather than chemical-intensive controls is the most critical step in mitigating negative impacts of pesticides on wildlife and preserving the Earth’s remaining biodiversity.

Economic Impacts of Pesticides on Wildlife

The estimated economic costs of losses to biodiversity — for the value of pollinator services, “beneficial” predators, and birds and aquatic life — are continually changing as more complex and comprehensive studies are published. Earlier studies estimated that the cost of losses to biodiversity might amount to more than $1.1 billion annually. Now, we know that the loss of biodiversity can cost hundreds of billions of dollars annually. Natural pest control, a fundamental agricultural service, is estimated to be worth $100 billion annually. The role of soil biota in increasing agricultural productivity is worth $25 billion annually. By 2009, the value of dependent crops attributed to all insect pollination was estimated to be worth $15.12 billion annually.

Photo by Pierre Mineau, Canada

Other economic impacts are related to the recreational use of wildlife. U.S. citizens already spend over $60 billion annually on hunting, fishing, and observing wildlife; much of the wildlife at the center of those activities depends on insects as a food source. Researchers have found that there is a steady decline in these insects due to pesticide exposure and an overall decline in biodiversity. It could be concluded then that, as beneficial insect populations decline, their ability to provide ecosystem services will also decline, impacting the available wildlife for hunting, fishing and observing. The demand for these recreational activities will stay constant while the supply (availability) will decline, causing an increase in dollars spent by U.S. citizens for each year.

Organic Systems Protect Wildlife

Two ways to combat the negative impacts of pesticides on wildlife are: to implement organic practices for your own lawn and garden, and to support organic agriculture, rather than on conventional agriculture, which relies on pesticide use. Beyond Pesticides supports organic agriculture as effecting good land stewardship and reducing wildlife's hazardous chemical exposures. The pesticide reform movement, citing pesticide problems associated with chemical agriculture — from groundwater contamination and runoff to drift — views organic as the solution to these serious environmental threats.

Conventional agriculture relies on a “pick and choose” method when it comes to pesticide use — only treating the symptoms of bad land management instead of acknowledging the deeper problems and attempting to understand agriculture as a whole system, including impacts on wildlife. Adopting a whole-systems approach, starting with management methods that “feed-the-soil,” and thus, promote healthy land from the ground up, would result in the greatest systemic benefit. Beyond Pesticides has long supported a “feed-the-soil” approach to agricultural management. This systems approach, which centers on managing soil health and on proper fertilization, eliminates synthetic fertilizers and focuses on building the soil food web and nurturing soil microorganisms. Experience demonstrates that this approach develops a soil environment rich in microbiology, which will produce resilient, productive land and benefit wildlife.

Healthy, resilient soil reduces any need for pesticides; terrain free from pesticides benefits wildlife and promotes natural predators, who can then do what they were meant to do in nature — provide natural controls. Organic systems save wildlife from the dangerous impacts of pesticides, encourage them to flourish, and restores the natural balance that is unable to exist in a conventional agricultural system.

Utilizing the Endangered Species Act and Other Laws to Protect Wildlife

One way that groups like Beyond Pesticides have sought to protect wildlife from the threat of pesticides is by holding federal agencies accountable to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, which provides for the conservation of ecosystems on which threatened and endangered species of fish, wildlife, and plants depend. EPA has routinely disregarded the ESA’s requirement to consult with federal wildlife agencies on how to implement conservation measures to protect threatened and endangered species from pesticides. After years of gridlock, federal wildlife agencies, EPA, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) asked the National Academy of Sciences to study the issue and report on best ways to protect listed species (any species likely to become endangered or which is in danger of extinction) from the effects of toxic pesticides. The National Academy of Sciences report identified deficiencies for all the agencies involved in pesticide consultations, but singled out the EPA’s approach for its numerous analytical shortcomings. In response to the Academy’s recommendations, the agency announced several reforms, in the fall of 2013, designed to protect endangered species more effectively.

A stranded fish at Murray's Cauld near Selkirk
Photo by Walter Baxter

Though the ESA is one of the most important laws for protecting wildlife, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), Clean Water Act (CWA), and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) are other significant laws meant to keep wildlife safe. FIFRA regulates pesticides to prevent “unreasonable adverse effects” to humans and the environment, including wildlife. The stated objective of the CWA is to “restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s waters . . . for the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife.”

Finally, NEPA requires that any federal government action that may impact wildlife and the environment must review and evaluate those impacts before any action is taken. Each of these laws can be utilized to protect wildlife by holding federal agencies accountable to them. For more detailed information about each law and how it protects wildlife, read "Preserving Biodiversity As If Life Depends on It," from our winter 2011–2012 Pesticides and You newsletter.

See below for successful litigation regarding pesticides and wildlife:
EPA Agrees to Regulate Novel Nanotechnology Pesticides after Legal Challenge (March 2015)
Final Suit Routing Genetically Engineered Crops and Related Practices from Refuges (March 2015)
Following Lawsuit, EPA Restores Stream Buffers to Protect Salmon from Pesticides (August 2014)

See below for current litigation regarding pesticides and wildlife:
EPA’s Expansion of 2,4-D Enlist Duo Challenged (April 2015)
EPA Violates FIFRA, ESA and APA (March 2013)


The Dangers of Pesticides to Wildlife
Getting the Drift on Chemical Trespass
Pesticides That Disrupt Endocrine System Still Unregulated by EPA
Preserving Biodiversity As If Life Depends On It
Environmental and Economic Costs of the Application of Pesticides Primarily in the United States
The Real Story of the Affordability of Organic Food
Protecting Life: From Research to Regulation

The Science:

  • A single dose of clothianidin exposure induces varying sex-specific behavioral changes in adulthood depending on the developmental stage of its administration
    Clothianidin (CLO), a neonicotinoid that is widely used in forests and agricultural areas, was recently reported to cause toxicity in mammals. Although sensitivity to chemicals varies between sexes and developmental stages, studies that comprehensively evaluate both males and females are limited. Therefore, in this study we utilized murine models to compare the sex-specific differences in behavioral effects following CLO exposure at different developmental stages. We orally administered CLO to male and female mice as a single high-dose solution (80 mg/kg) during the postnatal period (2-week-old), adolescence (6-week-old), or maturity (10-week-old), and subsequently evaluated higher brain function. The behavioral battery test consisted of open field, light/dark transition, and contextual/cued fear conditioning tests conducted at three and seven months of age. After the behavioral test, the brains were dissected and prepared for immunohistochemical staining. We observed behavioral abnormalities in anxiety, spatial memory, and cued memory only in female mice. Moreover, the immunohistochemical analysis showed a reduction in astrocytes within the hippocampus of female mice with behavioral abnormalities. The behavioral abnormalities observed in female CLO-treated mice were consistent with the typical behavioral abnormalities associated with hippocampal astrocyte dysfunction. It is therefore possible that the CLO-induced behavioral abnormalities are at least in part related to a reduction in astrocyte numbers. The results of this study highlight the differences in behavioral effects following CLO exposure between sexes and developmental stages.
    [Kaku, K. et al. (2024) A single dose of clothianidin exposure induces varying sex-specific behavioral changes in adulthood depending on the developmental stage of its administration, The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. Available at: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jts/49/7/49_301/_article. ]
  • Assessing pyrethroid resistance in Aedes aegypti from Cordoba Colombia: Implications of kdr mutations
    Resistance to insecticides is one of the great challenges that vector control programs must face. The constant use of pyrethroid-type insecticides worldwide has caused selection pressure in populations of the Aedes aegypti vector, which has promoted the emergence of resistant populations. The resistance mechanism to pyrethroid insecticides most studied to date is target-site mutations that desensitize the voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) of the insect to the action of pyrethroids. In the present study, susceptibility to the pyrethroid insecticides permethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, and deltamethrin was evaluated in fourteen populations from the department of Córdoba, Colombia. The CDC bottle bioassay and WHO tube methods were used. Additionally, the frequencies of the F1534C, V1016I, and V410L mutations were determined, and the association of resistance with the tri-locus haplotypes was examined. The results varied between the two techniques used, with resistance to permethrin observed in thirteen of the fourteen populations, resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin in two populations, and susceptibility to deltamethrin in all the populations under study with the CDC method. In contrast, the WHO method showed resistance to the three insecticides evaluated in all populations. The frequencies of the mutated alleles ranged from 0.05–0.43 for 1016I, 0.94–1.0 for 1534C, and 0.01–0.59 for 410L. The triple homozygous mutant CIL haplotype was associated with resistance to all three pyrethroids evaluated with the WHO bioassay, while with the CDC bioassay, it was only associated with resistance to permethrin. This study highlights the importance of implementing systematic monitoring of kdr mutations, allowing resistance management strategies to be dynamically adjusted to achieve effective control of Aedes aegypti.
    [Atencia–Pineda, M.C. et al. (2024) Assessing pyrethroid resistance in Aedes aegypti from Cordoba colombia: Implications of KDR mutations, PLOS ONE. Available at: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0309201.]
  • Comparing the effects of three neonicotinoids on embryogenesis of the South African clawed frog Xenopus laevis
    Neonicotinoids (NEOs) are widely used insecticides that are ubiquitous in agricultural use. Since NEOs are found in natural waters as well as in tap water and human urine in regions where NEOs are widely used, NEOs pose a potential hazard to non-target organisms such as animals and humans. Some of the commonly detected NEOs are imidacloprid (IMD), thiamethoxam (TMX), and its metabolite clothianidin (CLO). Although previously published scientific information, including an assessment of the environmental risks, particularly for bees, had resulted in a ban on the outdoor use of these three NEOs in the EU – their use is now only permitted in closed greenhouses – these NEOs continue to be used in agriculture in many other parts of the world. Therefore, a detailed study and comparison of the effects of NEOs on the embryonic development of non-target organisms is needed to further define the risk profiles.

    Embryos of the South African clawed frog Xenopus laevis, a well-established aquatic model, were exposed to different concentrations of IMD, TMX, or CLO (0.1–100 mg/L) to study and compare the possible effects of a single contaminant in natural water bodies on early embryogenesis. The results included a reduced body length, a smaller orbital space, impaired cranial cartilage and nerves, and an altered heart structure and function. At the molecular level, NEO exposure partially resulted in an altered expression of tissue-specific factors, which are involved in eye, cranial placode, and heart development.

    Our results suggest that the NEOs studied negatively affect the embryonic development of the non-target organism X. laevis. Since pesticides, especially NEOs, pollute the environment worldwide, it is suggested that they are strictly controlled and monitored in the areas where they are used. In addition, the question arises as to whether pesticide metabolites also pose a risk to the environment and need to be investigated further so that they can be taken into account when registering ingredients.
    [Flach, H. et al. (2024) Comparing the effects of three neonicotinoids on embryogenesis of the South African clawed frog xenopus laevis, Current Research in Toxicology. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666027X24000227?via%3Dihub. ]

  • Exposure to petroleum-derived and biopolymer microplastics affect fast start escape performance and aerobic metabolism in a marine fish


    • Polyethylene MP affected escape performance, routine swimming, and aerobic metabolism.
    • Biopolymer MP had limited effects on the components of escape performance.
    • Biopolymer MP had a smaller effect on fitness related traits than polyethylene MP.
    • This research provides a significant advance to predict the impact of MP on fish.


    Evidence suggests that petroleum-derived polymers can impact marine organisms however, little is understood about whether biopolymers affect the behaviour and physiology of marine teleost fish. The aim of this research was to examine the potential effects of microplastics from a petroleum-derived polymer, (polyethylene, PE), and a biopolymer, (edible food coating EFC) on the escape performance, routine swimming, and aerobic metabolism of Forsterygion capito (the mottled triplefin). PE exposure negatively affected fish through longer latencies (∼25 % slower to respond), slower maximum speeds and higher responsiveness in escape performance compared to control fish. Furthermore, fish exposed to PE displayed slower mean speeds and reduced the distance travelled by ∼25 %. After an exhaustive challenge, PE-exposed fish showed higher excess post-exercise oxygen consumption during recovery, compared to control fish. By contrast, EFC exposure only negatively affected maximum speed during an escape. Directionality and mean speed in escape performance, metabolic rate and recovery time were unaffected by biopolymer exposure. With the ever-increasing number of microplastics in the ocean, a shift to biodegradable polymers may be beneficial to marine organisms due to the smaller effect found when compared to petroleum-derived polymers in this study. As a central tool for conservation, this study represents a significant advance to predict the impact of microplastics on wild fish populations.

    [Hawke, A.M. et al. (2024) ‘Exposure to petroleum-derived and biopolymer microplastics affect fast start escape performance and aerobic metabolism in a marine fish’, Science of The Total Environment, 906, p. 167423. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167423. ]
  • Impact of pesticides on marine coral reef foraminifera


    • Pesticides have a negative impact on marine microorganisms.
    • Herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides reduce the metabolism of the organisms.
    • All pesticides have a negative impact on the holobionts.
    • The fungicide had the strongest toxic effect on the foraminiferal host.


    Our laboratory study looked into how pesticides affect the foraminifera species Heterostegina depressa and their obligatory algal endosymbionts. We incubated the foraminifera separately with different types of pesticides at varying concentrations (1 %, 0.01 % and 0.0001 %); we included the insecticide Confidor© (active substance: imidacloprid), the fungicide Pronto©Plus (tebuconazole), and the herbicide Roundup© (glyphosate). Our evaluation focused on the symbiont's photosynthetically active area (PA), and the uptake of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and nitrogen (nitrate) to determine the vitality of the foraminifera. Our findings showed that even the lowest doses of the fungicide and herbicide caused irreparable damage to the foraminifera and their symbionts. While the insecticide only deactivated the symbionts (PA = 0) at the highest concentration (1 %), the fungicide, and herbicide caused complete deactivation even at the lowest levels provided (0.0001 %). The fungicide had the strongest toxic effect on the foraminiferal host regarding reduced isotope uptake. In conclusion, all pesticides had a negative impact on the holosymbiont, with the host showing varying degrees of sensitivity towards different types of pesticides.

    [Lintner, M. et al. (2024) ‘Impact of pesticides on marine coral reef foraminifera’, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 201, p. 116237. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116237. ]
  • Organic farming reduces pesticide load in a bird of prey
    Human activities have led to the contamination of all environmental compartments worldwide, including bird species. In birds, both the environment and maternal transfer lead to high inter-brood variability in contamination levels of pollutants, whereas intra-brood variability is generally low. However, most existing studies focused on heavy metals or persistent compounds and none, to our knowledge, addressed the variability in contamination levels of multiple pesticides and the factors influencing it. In this study, the number of pesticides detected (of 104 compounds searched) and the sum of their concentrations in the blood of 55 Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus) nestlings from 22 nests sampled in 2021 were used as metrics of contamination levels. We investigated the effect of organic farming at the size of male's home range (i.e., 14 km2) and chicks' sex and hatching order on contamination levels. We did not find a difference between inter-brood and intra-brood variability in pesticide contamination levels, suggesting a different exposure of siblings through food items. While chicks' sex or rank did not affect their contamination level, we found that the percentage of organic farming around the nests significantly decreased the number of pesticides detected, although it did not decrease the total concentrations. This finding highlights the potential role of organic farming in reducing the exposure of birds to a pesticide cocktail.
    [Fuentes, E. et al. (2024) Organic farming reduces pesticide load in a bird of prey, Science of The Total Environment. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969724029255.]
  • Assessing the combined toxic effects of metaldehyde mollucide
    The excessive use of metaldehyde in agriculture to combat mollusks endangers both the environment and non-target organisms. The aim of this study is to investigate the toxicity caused by metaldehyde in Allium cepa with the help of physiological, cytogenetic, biochemical and anatomical parameters. Also, DNA fragmentation caused by metaldehyde in root tip cells was measured by the "Comet Assay" method. The control group was germinated with tap water and the application groups were germinated with 20 mg/L metaldehyde, 40 mg/L metaldehyde, 100 mg/L metaldehyde and 200 mg/L metaldehyde for 72 h. The results of the physiological parameters showed that metaldehyde had a growth-limiting effect in A. cepa, depending on the application dose. According to root elongation levels, the EC50 (effective concentration) value for metaldehyde was 60.6 mg/L in A. cepa. As the treatment dose increased, the incidence of micronucleus and chromosomal aberrations gradually increased while mitotic index decreased. Metaldehyde exposure induced damages such as sticky chromosome, fragment, unequal distribution of chromatin, reverse polarization, bridge, and multipolar anaphase. In addition, metaldehyde caused cell damage in epidermis and cortex, thickening of the cortex cell wall and flattened cell nucleus in root meristem. Increasing doses of metaldehyde application also increased malondialdehyde levels, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities. As a result, it has been determined that the toxicity of metaldehyde in plants is versatile and the A. cepa test material is a suitable biological indicator to determine this toxicity.
    [Macar, O., Kalefetoğlu Macar, T., Çavuşoğlu, K., Yalçın, E. and Acar, A., 2023. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p.4888.]
  • Cetaceans as bio-indicators revealed the increased risks of triclosan exposure and associated thyroid hormone disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    The global surge in disinfection practices from the COVID-19 response has raised concerns about the marine exposure to the hazardous ingredients in disinfectant products, including triclosan (TCS) and triclocarban (TCC). However, there are very limited studies on the response of marine TCS and TCC (TCs) loading to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here we used cetaceans as bio-indicators for a long-term retrospective analysis of TCs loading to the South China Sea (SCS) between 2004 and 2022. Hepatic TCs was 100% detected in all nine cetacean species (n = 120). Interestingly, TCS concentrations decreased in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (IPHD) before the pandemic from 2010 to 2017. However, after 2019, TCS concentrations in IPHD significantly increased several-fold. Similarly, post-pandemic TCS concentrations in Indo-Pacific finless porpoises (IPFP) and two fish species were significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels. There were significant relationships between thyroid hormones (THs) and TCs in IPHD and IPFP, suggesting that increased TCs may worsen the interference of THs homeostasis and nutritional conditions in cetaceans. These findings demonstrate the profound impact of the surging use of TCs-containing products from the COVID-19 response on marine ecosystems.
    [Guo, Y., Shi, W., Liu, Z., Sun, X. and Wu, Y., 2023. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 459, p.132289.]
  • Directly Fluorinated Containers as a Source of Perfluoroalkyl Carboxylic Acids
    Direct fluorination of plastics is performed to impart chemical resistance via exposure of polyethylene to fluorine gas to produce a fluorine-modified surface layer. Leaching experiments were performed on a directly fluorinated container under various conditions and with different matrices, including foodstuffs. The average sum of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) concentrations measured from extraction of a fluorinated container was 63.75 ± 13.2 ng/g plastic. Seven-day leaching experiments of fluorinated containers with water, methanol, and acetone produced sums of PFAS concentrations that ranged from 0.99 to 66.92 ng/g plastic. Leaching experiments with food matrices produced sums of PFAS concentrations ranging from 2.66 to 7.19 ng/g plastic. A subset of samples subjected to leaching at elevated temperatures generated sums of PFAS concentrations up to 830% higher. In all experiments, short-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) were detected in the highest frequencies and concentrations with analyte concentration decreasing as chain length increased. An estimate for PFAS released into food ranged from 0.77 to 2.68 ng/kg body weight per week, showing ingestion of food stored in these containers could be a significant source of exposure. Based on the large number of applications where directly fluorinated containers find use, the observation of PFAS migration suggests use regulations are warranted, and future studies should explore their fate when disposed or recycled.
    [Whitehead, H.D. and Peaslee, G.F., 2023. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 10(4), pp.350-355.]
  • Ecotoxicology of the herbicide paraquat: effects on wildlife and knowledge gaps.
    Paraquat (PQ) is an organic herbicide introduced to the commercial market in 1962 and since linked to a variety of human health effects, including lung fibrosis, liver tumors, and Parkinson's disease. Although PQ is banned in the European Union, it is still frequently used in agricultural areas of the United States and Asia. The general mechanism of PQ's toxicity is the disruption of the redox cycle in cells. This mini-review summarizes our current understanding of PQ toxicity in non-target plants and animals. Among vertebrates, PQ sensitivity tends follow the pattern of fish > amphibians > mammals > birds. Aquatic plants are particularly vulnerable to PQ, with EC50 values ranging from ~28-280 μg/L. A number of convenient but non-specific biomarkers have been identified for non-target species, including the activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and catalase, histological changes in the gill structures of fish, and the upregulation of genes associated with the cytochrome p450 monooxygenase system. Significant literature gaps include a lack of data for environmentally realistic conditions (i.e., chronic, low concentration, multi-stressor), toxicity in reptiles, and population- and ecosystem-level effects. Although PQ is a useful herbicide, considering the many human and ecological health impacts, it may be time for regulators and the agricultural industry to reconsider its use.
    [Donaher, S.E. and Van den Hurk, P., 2023. Ecotoxicology, pp.1-13.]
  • Thawing permafrost poses environmental threat to thousands of sites with legacy industrial contamination
    Industrial contaminants accumulated in Arctic permafrost regions have been largely neglected in existing climate impact analyses. Here we identify about 4500 industrial sites where potentially hazardous substances are actively handled or stored in the permafrost-dominated regions of the Arctic. Furthermore, we estimate that between 13,000 and 20,000 contaminated sites are related to these industrial sites. Ongoing climate warming will increase the risk of contamination and mobilization of toxic substances since about 1100 industrial sites and 3500 to 5200 contaminated sites located in regions of stable permafrost will start to thaw before the end of this century. This poses a serious environmental threat, which is exacerbated by climate change in the near future. To avoid future environmental hazards, reliable long-term planning strategies for industrial and contaminated sites are needed that take into account the impacts of cimate change.
    [Langer, M., von Deimling, T.S., Westermann, S., Rolph, R., Rutte, R., Antonova, S., Rachold, V., Schultz, M., Oehme, A. and Grosse, G., 2023. Nature Communications, 14(1), p.1721.]
  • The dynamics of persistent organic pollutant (POP) transfer from female bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) to their calves during lactation.
    Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are lipophilic compounds that can accumulate in high concentrations in the blubber of marine mammals, which are long-lived, top-level predators in their ecosystems. These compounds, which include DDTs, PCBs, PBDEs, HCHs, and CHLDs, impact mammalian health, including neurological effects, reduced immune system efficiency, and reproductive failure. POPs are transferred from females to their offspring during gestation and lactation, which have implications for the health of newborn marine mammals, particularly first-born offspring who receive higher concentrations. The dynamics of POP transfer during lactation have been studied in a few pinniped species, but there are no comparable studies on living cetaceans. Because life history strategies and behavior of lactating phocids differ from dolphins, a study on delphinid maternal transfer is warranted. To accomplish this, placenta and longitudinally collected blood and milk samples were taken concurrently from trained bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, mother/calf pairs to assess the dynamics of maternal contaminant transfer. Initial POP levels in placenta, blood serum, and milk varied by individual and were related to the age and reproductive history of the females. Regardless of initial POP levels, maternal serum and milk concentrations decreased while calf serum POP levels increased over time. Pollutant transfer varied by POP class and by congener. Contaminant transfer efficiency to calves was most apparent for 4- to 6‑chlorine PCBs, DDT isomers p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDD, and o,p'-DDE, trans-nonachlor, cis-nonachlor, heptachlor epoxide, nonachlor III, and oxychlordane. By the end of the lactation period, calf serum POP levels were considerably greater than those of their mothers, particularly for compounds with fewer chlorines. POP levels were most biomagnified in the calf born to the primiparous female. These results provide critical information on one component of contaminant transfer in the marine ecosystem and for understanding potential risks of POP exposure to developing odontocete calves.
    [Noren, D.P., Johnson, S., Boyd, D., Ylitalo, G.M., Lundin, J., McCormley, M. and Jensen, E.D., 2023. Science of The Total Environment, p.167888.]
  • The need for environmentally realistic studies on the health effects of terrestrial microplastics


    Plastic pollution is now so widespread that microplastics are regularly detected in biological samples surveyed for their presence. Despite their pervasiveness, very little is known about the effects of microplastics on the health of terrestrial vertebrates. While emerging studies are showing that microplastics represent a potentially serious threat to animal health, data have been limited to in vivo studies on laboratory rodents that were force fed plastics. The extent to which these studies are representative of the conditions that animals and humans might actually experience in the real world is largely unknown. Here, we review 114 papers from the peer-reviewed literature in order to understand how the concentrations and types of microplastics being administered to rodents in lab studies compare to those found in terrestrial soils. From 73 in vivo lab studies, and 41 soil studies, we found that lab studies have heretofore fed rodents microplastics at concentrations that were hundreds of thousands of times greater than they would be exposed to in nature. Furthermore, health effects have been studied for only 20% of the microplastic polymers that are known to occur in soils. Plastic pollution is arguably one of the most pressing ecological and public health issues of our time, yet existing lab-based research on the health effects of terrestrial microplastics does not reflect the conditions that free-ranging vertebrates are actually experiencing. Going forward, performing more true-to-life research will be of the utmost importance to fully understand the impacts of microplastics and maintain the public’s faith in the scientific process.

    [Mills, C.L. et al. (2023) ‘The need for environmentally realistic studies on the health effects of terrestrial microplastics’, Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 3(1). doi:10.1186/s43591-023-00059-1. ]
  • A contemporary survey of bumble bee diversity across the state of California.
    Bumble bees (genus Bombus) are important pollinators with more than 260 spe -cies found worldwide, many of which are in decline. Twenty-five species occur in California with the highest species abundance and diversity found in coastal, north -ern, and montane regions. No recent studies have examined California bumble bee di -versity across large spatial scales nor explored contemporary community composition patterns across the state. To fill these gaps, we collected 1740 bumble bee individuals, representing 17 species from 17 sites (~100 bees per site) in California, using an as -semblage monitoring framework. This framework is intended to provide an accurate estimate of relative abundance of more common species without negatively impact -ing populations through overcollection. Our sites were distributed across six ecore -gions, with an emphasis on those that historically hosted high bumble bee diversity. We compared bumble bee composition among these sites to provide a snapshot of California bumble bee biodiversity in a single year. Overall, the assemblage monitor-ing framework that we employed successfully captured estimated relative abundance of species for most sites, but not all. This shortcoming suggests that bumble bee biodiversity monitoring in California might require multiple monitoring approaches, including greater depth of sampling in some regions, given the variable patterns in bumble bee abundance and richness throughout the state. Our study sheds light on the current status of bumble bee diversity in California, identifies some areas where greater sampling effort and conservation action should be focused in the future, and performs the first assessment of an assembly monitoring framework for bumble bee communities in the state.
    [Fisher, K., Watrous, K.M., Williams, N.M., Richardson, L.L. and Woodard, S.H. Ecology and Evolution, 12(3), p.e8505.]
  • Agriculture and climate change are reshaping insect biodiversity worldwide
    Several previous studies have investigated changes in insect biodiversity, with some highlighting declines and others showing turnover in species composition without net declines. Although research has shown that biodiversity changes are driven primarily by land-use change and increasingly by climate change, the potential for interaction between these drivers and insect biodiversity on the global scale remains unclear. Here we show that the interaction between indices of historical climate warming and intensive agricultural land use is associated with reductions of almost 50% in the abundance and 27% in the number of species within insect assemblages relative to those in less-disturbed habitats with lower rates of historical climate warming. These patterns are particularly evident in the tropical realm, whereas some positive responses of biodiversity to climate change occur in non-tropical regions in natural habitats. A high availability of nearby natural habitat often mitigates reductions in insect abundance and richness associated with agricultural land use and substantial climate warming but only in low-intensity agricultural systems. In such systems, in which high levels (75% cover) of natural habitat are available, abundance and richness were reduced by 7% and 5%, respectively, compared with reductions of 63% and 61% in places where less natural habitat is present (25% cover). Our results show that insect biodiversity will probably benefit from mitigating climate change, preserving natural habitat within landscapes and reducing the intensity of agriculture.
    [Outhwaite, C.L., McCann, P. and Newbold, T., Nature, pp.1-6.]
  • Amine Volatilization from Herbicide Salts: Implications for Herbicide Formulations and Atmospheric Chemistry
    Amines are frequently included in formulations of the herbicides glyphosate, 2,4-D, and dicamba to increase herbicide solubility and reduce herbicide volatilization by producing herbicide–amine salts. Amines, which typically have higher vapor pressures than the corresponding herbicides, could potentially volatilize from these salts and enter the atmosphere, where they may impact atmospheric chemistry, human health, and climate. Amine volatilization from herbicide–amine salts may additionally contribute to volatilization of dicamba and 2,4-D. In this study, we established that amines applied in herbicide–amine salt formulations undergo extensive volatilization. Both dimethylamine and isopropylamine volatilized when aqueous salt solutions were dried to a residue at ∼20 °C, while lower-vapor pressure amines like diglycolamine and n,n-bis-(3-aminopropyl)methylamine did not. However, all four amines volatilized from salt residues at 40–80 °C. Because amine loss typically exceeded herbicide loss, we proposed that neutral amines dominated volatilization and that higher temperatures altered their protonation state and vapor pressure. Due to an estimated 4.0 Gg N/yr applied as amines to major U.S. crops, amine emissions from herbicide–amine salts may be important on regional scales. Further characterization of worldwide herbicide–amine use would enable this contribution to be compared to the 285 Gg N/yr of methylamines emitted globally.
    [Sharkey, S.M., Hartig, A.M., Dang, A.J., Chatterjee, A., Williams, B.J. and Parker, K.M., 2022. Environmental Science & Technology.]
  • Assessing Marine Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in the Critically Endangered California Condor: Implications for Reintroduction to Coastal Environments.
    Coastal reintroduction sites for California condors (Gymnogyps californianus) can lead to elevated halogenated organic compound (HOC) exposure and potential health impacts due to the consumption of scavenged marine mammals. Using nontargeted analysis based on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC/TOF-MS), we compared HOC profiles of plasma from inland and coastal scavenging California condors from the state of California (CA), and marine mammal blubber from CA and the Gulf of California off Baja California (BC), Mexico. We detected more HOCs in coastal condors (32 ± 5, mean number of HOCs ± SD, n = 7) than in inland condors (8 ± 1, n = 10) and in CA marine mammals (136 ± 87, n = 25) than in BC marine mammals (55 ± 46, n = 8). ∑DDT-related compounds, ∑PCBs, and total tris(chlorophenyl)methane (∑TCPM) were, respectively, ∼7, ∼3.5, and ∼148 times more abundant in CA than in BC marine mammals. The endocrine-disrupting potential of selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) congeners, TCPM, and TCPMOH was determined by in vitro California condor estrogen receptor (ER) activation. The higher levels of HOCs in coastal condors compared to those in inland condors and lower levels of HOC contamination in Baja California marine mammals compared to those from the state of California are factors to consider in condor reintroduction efforts.
    [Stack, Margaret E., Jennifer M. Cossaboon, Christopher W. Tubbs, L. Ignacio Vilchis, Rachel G. Felton, Jade L. Johnson, Kerri Danil, Gisela Heckel, Eunha Hoh, and Nathan G. Dodder. Environmental Science & Technology.]
  • Ecosystem Services and Land Rental Markets: Producer Costs of Bat Population Crashes
    Non-market natural capital provides crucial inputs across the economy. In this paper, researchers use land rental market data to calculate the welfare impacts of a change in an unpriced natural capital using well-identified causal impact estimates while accounting for spatial spillovers. The researcher apply the welfare analysis to examine the cost of whitenose syndrome (WNS) in bats, which provide pest control services to agricultural producers. WNS, a disease that decimates infected bat populations, began spreading through the US starting in the mid-2000s. We find that the loss of bats in a county causes land rental rates.
    [Manning, D. and Ando, A.]
  • Effects of Tick-Control Interventions on Tick Abundance, Human Encounters with Ticks, and Incidence of Tickborne Diseases in Residential Neighborhoods, New York, USA
    Tickborne diseases (TBDs) such as Lyme disease result in ≈500,000 diagnoses annually in the United States. Various methods can reduce the abundance of ticks at small spatial scales, but whether these methods lower incidence of TBDs is poorly understood. We conducted a randomized, replicated, fully crossed, placebo-controlled, masked experiment to test whether 2 environmentally safe interventions, the Tick Control System (TCS) and Met52 fungal spray, used separately or together, affected risk for and incidence of TBDs in humans and pets in 24 residential neighborhoods. All participating properties in a neighborhood received the same treatment. TCS was associated with fewer questing ticks and fewer ticks feeding on rodents. The interventions did not result in a significant difference in incidence of human TBDs but did significantly reduce incidence in pets. Our study is consistent with previous evidence suggesting that reducing tick abundance in residential areas might not reduce incidence of TBDs in humans.
    [Keesing, F., Mowry, S., Bremer, W., Duerr, S., Evans Jr, A.S., Fischhoff, I.R., Hinckley, A.F., Hook, S.A., Keating, F., Pendleton, J. and Pfister, A., Emerging infectious diseases, 28(5), p.957.]
  • Emerging Midges Transport Pesticides from Aquatic to Terrestrial Ecosystems: Importance of Compound- and Organism-Specific Parameters
    Emerging aquatic insects have the potential to retain aquatic contaminants after metamorphosis, potentially transporting them into adjacent terrestrial food webs. It is unknown whether this transfer is also relevant for current-use pesticides. We exposed larvae of the nonbiting midge, Chironomus riparius, to a sublethal pulse of a mixture of nine moderately polar fungicides and herbicides (logKow 2.5–4.7) at three field relevant treatment levels (1.2–2.5, 17.5–35.0, or 50.0–100.0 μg/L). We then assessed the pesticide bioaccumulation and bioamplification over the full aquatic–terrestrial life cycle of both sexes including the egg laying of adult females. By applying sensitive LC–MS/MS analysis to small sample volumes (∼5 mg, dry weight), we detected all pesticides in larvae from all treatment levels (2.8–1019 ng/g), five of the pesticides in the adults from the lowest treatment level and eight in the higher treatment levels (1.5–3615 ng/g). Retention of the pesticides through metamorphosis was not predictable based solely on pesticide lipophilicity. Sex-specific differences in adult insect pesticide concentrations were significant for five of the pesticides, with greater concentrations in females for four of them. Over the duration of the adults’ lifespan, pesticide concentrations generally decreased in females while persisting in males. Our results suggest that a low to moderate daily dietary exposure to these pesticides may be possible for tree swallow nestlings and insectivorous bats.
    [Roodt, A.P., Röder, N., Pietz, S., Kolbenschlag, S., Manfrin, A., Schwenk, K., Bundschuh, M. and Schulz, R., Environmental Science & Technology.]
  • European cooperation to tackle the legacies of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and lindane


    Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) waste isomers from lindane production are the largest single POPs legacy, with an estimated 4.8 to 7.4 million tonnes of disposed waste. The largest part of this waste – 1.8 to 3 million tonnes – was disposed in Europe, where most producers were located. This paper provides a short overview of projects supported by the European Union (EU) to address this waste legacy and to implement the Stockholm Convention for this group of POPs with associated protection of soil, ecosystems and human health. We report here particularly on the results of a project financed by the EU called the “HCH in EU project”, which aimed to develop a systematic inventory of sites where HCH was handled and potentially resulted in contamination. The compiled information provide guidance for competent authorities to further assess their national HCH inventory and to further develop a strategy to address this large POP legacy in future. The systematic inventory revealed that there were at least 299 sites where HCH was handled. These sites include 54 former production sites, 76 pesticide processing plants that used lindane, 59 uncontrolled HCH waste isomer deposits, 29 landfills with HCH waste, 34 former or current storage sites for stocks of obsolete pesticides including technical HCH or lindane, and 16 HCH treatment or disposal sites. Additionally, at 31 of the sites lindane/technical HCH was used in applications with significant risk of soil pollution, such as wood treatment. The number of sites in this latter category is likely higher and will need further assessment. In addition to this inventory, the “HCH in EU project” produced detailed country reports, a guidance document for how to find potentially HCH-impacted sites, and a strategy document for implementing the sustainable management of these sites EU-wide, with proposed actions at the EU, country, and site level. Furthermore, the project has facilitated information exchange and – together with other related EU projects – has led to sharing information and best practices among member states and to establishing a network of authorities and other stakeholders working on the lindane/HCH waste legacy. This collaboration will facilitate a more systematic and better coordinated process to further assess, secure, and remediate the large HCH waste legacy and reduce and control lindane/HCH releases in the EU and possibly beyond. Such a coordinated effort and exchange of information for inventorying and managing contaminated sites might also be useful for other POPs such as PFOS/PFOA or dioxins.

    [Vijgen, J. et al. (2022) ‘European cooperation to tackle the legacies of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and lindane’, Emerging Contaminants, 8, pp. 97–112. doi:10.1016/j.emcon.2022.01.003. ]
  • Evidence for the agricultural origin of resistance to multiple antimicrobials in Aspergillus fumigatus, a fungal pathogen of humans
    Pathogen resistance to clinical antimicrobial agents is an urgent problem. The fungus Aspergillus fumigatus causes 300,000 life-threatening infections in susceptible humans annually. Azoles, which are widely used in both clinical and agricultural settings, are currently the most effective treatment, but resistance to clinical azoles is emerging worldwide. Here, we report the isolation and analysis of azole-sensitive and azole-resistant A. fumigatus from agricultural environments in the southeastern United States (USA) and show that the USA pan-azole-resistant isolates form a clade with pan-azole-resistant isolates from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and India. We show that several pan-azole-resistant isolates from agricultural settings in the USA and India also carry alleles with mutations conferring resistance to agricultural fungicides from the benzimidazole (MBC) and quinone outside inhibitor (QoI) classes. We further show that pan-azole-resistant A. fumigatus isolates from patients in clinical settings in the USA, India, and the Netherlands also carry alleles conferring resistance to MBC and QoI agricultural fungicides. The presence of markers for resistance to agricultural-use fungicides in clinical A. fumigatus isolates is strong evidence for an agricultural origin of pan-azole resistance in patients. The presence of multiple fungicide-resistance alleles in agricultural and clinical isolates further suggests that the unique genetics of the pan-azole-resistant clade enables the evolution and/or persistence of antimicrobial resistance mutations leading to the establishment of multifungicide-resistant isolates.
    [Kang, S.E., Sumabat, L.G., Melie, T., Mangum, B., Momany, M. and Brewer, M.T. G3, 12(2), p.jkab427.]
  • Feeding on grains containing pesticide residues is detrimental to offspring development through parental effects in grey partridge.
    Numerous toxicological studies have shown that ingestion of pesticides can induce physiological stress in breeding birds, with adverse consequences on egg laying parameters and offspring quality through parental effects. However, previous studies do not mimic current levels of pesticide residues in typical landscapes, and they do not consider potential cocktail effects of pesticides as they occur in the wild. Herein, we explored whether realistic pesticide exposure affected reproduction parameters and offspring condition through parental effects in Grey partridge. We fed 24 breeding pairs with either seeds from conventional agriculture crops treated with various pesticides during cropping, or organic grains without pesticide residues as controls. The conventional and organic grain diets mimicked food options potentially encountered by wild birds in the field. The results showed that ingesting low pesticide doses over a long period had consequences on reproduction and offspring quality without altering mortality in parents or chicks. Compared with organic pairs, conventional pairs yielded smaller chicks at hatching that had a lower body mass index at 24 days old. Additionally, these chicks displayed lower haematocrit when body mass index was higher. Therefore, ingestion of conventional grains by parents resulted in chronic exposure to pesticide residues, even at low doses, and this had detrimental consequences on offspring. These results demonstrate a sublethal effect of pesticide residues through parental effects. The consequences of parental exposure on chicks might partly explain the decline in wild Grey partridge populations, which raises questions for avian conservation and demography if current agrosystem approaches are continued.
    [Gaffard, A., Pays, O., Monceau, K., Teixeira, M., Bretagnolle, V. and Moreau, J. Environmental Pollution, p.120005.]
  • Glyphosate impairs collective thermoregulation in bumblebees.
    Insects are facing a multitude of anthropogenic stressors, and the recent decline in their biodiversity is threatening ecosystems and economies across the globe. We investigated the impact of glyphosate, the most commonly used herbicide worldwide, on bumblebees. Bumblebee colonies maintain their brood at high temperatures via active thermogenesis, a prerequisite for colony growth and reproduction. Using a within-colony comparative approach to examine the effects of long-term glyphosate exposure on both individual and collective thermoregulation, we found that whereas effects are weak at the level of the individual, the collective ability to maintain the necessary high brood temperatures is decreased by more than 25% during periods of resource limitation. For pollinators in our heavily stressed ecosystems, glyphosate exposure carries hidden costs that have so far been largely overlooked.
    [Weidenmüller, A., Meltzer, A., Neupert, S., Schwarz, A. and Kleineidam, C. Science, 376(6597), pp.1122-1126.]
  • Occurrence of Aculus mosoniensis (Ripka, 2014) (Acari; Prostigmata; Eriophyoidea) on tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima Mill.) is expanding across Europe. First record in France confirmed by Barcoding
    In May 2020, populations of Eriophyid mites were detected on tree of heaven, Ailanthus altissima Mill., in a recreative park in the city of Colombes, near Paris, and later in August and September in four locations, in Southern France. Morphological examination supplemented with sequencing data for the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) assigned all collected mites to a single species, Aculus mosoniensis (Ripka) (Acari; Prostigmata; Eriophyoidea). This is the first record of this species in France and the first insights into its intraspecific variability based on a barcode dataset. In Europe, this species is considered one of the most promising biological control agents of tree of heaven. This new record provides encouraging evidence that the geographic occurrence of this species is expanding in Europe which may be indicative of its dispersal and establishment abilities, two key factors for a future biological control program.
    [Kashefi, J., Vidović, B., Guermache, F., Cristofaro, M. and Bon, M.C. Phytoparasitica, 50(2), pp.391-398.]
  • Outside the Safe Operating Space of the Planetary Boundary for Novel Entities
    We submit that the safe operating space of the planetary boundary of novel entities is exceeded since annual production and releases are increasing at a pace that outstrips the global capacity for assessment and monitoring. The novel entities boundary in the planetary boundaries framework refers to entities that are novel in a geological sense and that could have large-scale impacts that threaten the integrity of Earth system processes. We review the scientific literature relevant to quantifying the boundary for novel entities and highlight plastic pollution as a particular aspect of high concern. An impact pathway from production of novel entities to impacts on Earth system processes is presented. We define and apply three criteria for assessment of the suitability of control variables for the boundary: feasibility, relevance, and comprehensiveness. We propose several complementary control variables to capture the complexity of this boundary, while acknowledging major data limitations. We conclude that humanity is currently operating outside the planetary boundary based on the weight-of-evidence for several of these control variables. The increasing rate of production and releases of larger volumes and higher numbers of novel entities with diverse risk potentials exceed societies’ ability to conduct safety related assessments and monitoring. We recommend taking urgent action to reduce the harm associated with exceeding the boundary by reducing the production and releases of novel entities, noting that even so, the persistence of many novel entities and/or their associated effects will continue to pose a threat.
    [Persson, L., Carney Almroth, B.M., Collins, C.D., Cornell, S., de Wit, C.A., Diamond, M.L., Fantke, P., Hassellöv, M., MacLeod, M., Ryberg, M.W. and Søgaard Jørgensen, P. Environmental science & technology, 56(3), pp.1510-1521.]
  • Pesticide-induced disturbances of bee gut microbiotas.
    Social bee gut microbiotas play key roles in host health and performance. Worryingly, a growing body of literature shows that pesticide exposure can disturb these microbiotas. Most studies examine changes in taxonomic composition in Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) gut microbiotas caused by insecticide exposure. Core bee gut microbiota taxa shift in abundance after exposure but are rarely eliminated, with declines in Bifidobacteriales and Lactobacillus near melliventris abundance being the most common shifts. Pesticide concentration, exposure duration, season and concurrent stressors all influence whether and how bee gut microbiotas are disturbed. Also, the mechanism of disturbance—i.e. whether a pesticide directly affects microbial growth or indirectly affects the microbiota by altering host health—likely affects disturbance consistency. Despite growing interest in this topic, important questions remain unanswered. Specifically, metabolic shifts in bee gut microbiotas remain largely uninvestigated, as do effects of pesticide-disturbed gut microbiotas on bee host performance. Furthermore, few bee species have been studied other than A. mellifera, and few herbicides and fungicides have been examined. We call for these knowledge gaps to be addressed so that we may obtain a comprehensive picture of how pesticides alter bee gut microbiotas, and of the functional consequences of these changes.
    [Hotchkiss, M.Z., Poulain, A.J. and Forrest, J.R. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 46(2), p.fuab056.]
  • Rapid evolution of an adaptive taste polymorphism disrupts courtship behavior.
    The evolution of adaptive behavior often requires changes in sensory systems. However, rapid adaptive changes in sensory traits can adversely affect other fitness-related behaviors. In the German cockroach, a gustatory polymorphism, ‘glucose-aversion (GA)’, supports greater survivorship under selection with glucose-containing insecticide baits and promotes the evolution of behavioral resistance. Yet, sugars are prominent components of the male’s nuptial gift and play an essential role in courtship. Behavioral and chemical analyses revealed that the saliva of GA females rapidly degrades nuptial gift sugars into glucose, and the inversion of a tasty nuptial gift to an aversive stimulus often causes GA females to reject courting males. Thus, the rapid emergence of an adaptive change in the gustatory system supports foraging, but it interferes with courtship. The trade-off between natural and sexual selection under human-imposed selection can lead to directional selection on courtship behavior that favors the GA genotype.
    [Wada-Katsumata, A., Hatano, E., McPherson, S., Silverman, J. and Schal, C. Communications biology, 5(1), pp.1-10.]
  • Sex-specific behavioral effects of acute exposure to the neonicotinoid clothianidin in mice
    Although neonicotinoids are among the major classes of pesticides that affect mammalian nervous systems, little is known about sex differences in their effects. This study aimed to examine whether the neurobehavioral effects of a neonicotinoid, clothianidin (CLO), differed between sexes. Male and female C57BL/6N mice were orally administered CLO (5 or 50 mg/kg) at or below the chronic no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) and subjected to behavioral tests of emotional and learning functions. Changes in neuroactivity in several brain regions and the concentrations of CLO and its metabolites in blood and urine were measured. Acute CLO exposure caused sex-related behavioral effects; decreases in locomotor activities and elevation of anxiety-like behaviors were more apparent in males than in females. In addition, male-specific impairment of short- and long-term learning memory by CLO exposure was observed in both the novel recognition test and the Barnes maze test. Male-dominant increases in the number of c-fos positive cells were observed in the paraventricular thalamic nucleus in the thalamus and in the dentate gyrus in the hippocampus, which are related to the stress response and learning function, respectively. The concentrations of CLO and most metabolites in blood and urine were higher in males. These results support the notion that male mice are more vulnerable than females to the neurobehavioral effects of CLO and provide novel insights into the risk assessment of neonicotinoids in mammalian neuronal function.
    [Kubo, S. et al. (2022) Sex-specific behavioral effects of acute exposure to the neonicotinoid clothianidin in mice, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0041008X22004288?via%3Dihub. ]
  • Standardized bioassays reveal that mosquitoes learn to avoid compounds used in chemical vector control after a single sub-lethal exposure
    Vector-borne diseases are worldwide public health issues. Despite research focused on vectorial capacity determinants in pathogen transmitting mosquitoes, their behavioural plasticity remains poorly understood. Memory and associative learning have been linked to behavioural changes in several insect species, but their relevance in behavioural responses to pesticide vector control has been largely overlooked. In this study, female Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciastus were exposed to sub-lethal doses of 5 pesticide compounds using modified World Health Organization (WHO) tube bioassays. Conditioned females, subsequently exposed to the same pesticides in WHO tunnel assays, exhibited behavioural avoidance by forgoing blood-feeding to ensure survival. Standardized resting site choice tests showed that pre-exposed females avoided the pesticides smell and choose to rest in a pesticide-free compartment. These results showed that, following a single exposure, mosquitoes can associate the olfactory stimulus of pesticides with their detrimental effects and subsequently avoid pesticide contact. Findings highlight the importance of mosquito cognition as determinants of pesticide resistance in mosquito populations targeted by chemical control.
    [Sougoufara, S., Yorkston-Dives, H., Aklee, N.M., Rus, A.C., Zairi, J. and Tripet, F. Scientific Reports, 12(1), pp.1-12.]
  • The chemical landscape of tropical mammals in the Anthropocene
    Sixty years ago, Rachel Carson published her book Silent Spring, which focused the world's attention on the dangers of pesticides. Since that time human impacts on the environment have accelerated and this has included reshaping the chemical landscape. Here we evaluate the severity of exposure of tropical terrestrial mammals to pesticides, pharmaceuticals, plastics, particulate matter associated with forest fires, and nanoparticles. We consider how these environmental contaminants interact with one another, with the endocrine and microbiome systems of mammals, and with other environmental changes to produce a larger negative impact than might initially be expected. Using this background and building on past conservation success, such as mending the ozone layer and decreasing acid rain, we tackle the difficult issue of how to construct meaningful policies and conservation plans that include a consideration of the chemical landscape. We document that policy solutions to improving the chemical landscape are already known and the path of how to construct a healthier planet is discernible.
    [Chapman, C.A., Steiniche, T., Benavidez, K.M., Sarkar, D., Amato, K., Serio-Silva, J.C., Venier, M. and Wasserman, M.D., Biological Conservation, 269, p.109522.]
  • Turnover in floral composition explains species diversity and temporal stability in the nectar supply of urban residential gardens
    Residential gardens are a valuable habitat for insect pollinators worldwide, but differences in individual gardening practices substantially affect their floral composition. It is important to understand how the floral resource supply of gardens varies in both space and time so we can develop evidence-based management recommendations to support pollinator conservation in towns and cities.
    We surveyed 59 residential gardens in the city of Bristol, UK, at monthly intervals from March to October. For each of 472 garden surveys, we combined floral abundances with nectar sugar data to quantify the nectar production of each garden, investigating the magnitude, temporal stability, and diversity and composition of garden nectar supplies.
    We found that individual gardens differ markedly in the quantity of nectar sugar they supply (from 2 to 1,662 g), and nectar production is higher in more affluent neighbourhoods, but not in larger gardens. Nectar supply peaks in July (mid-summer), when more plant taxa are in flower, but temporal patterns vary among individual gardens. At larger spatial scales, temporal variability averages out through the portfolio effect, meaning insect pollinators foraging across many gardens in urban landscapes have access to a relatively stable and continuous supply of nectar through the year.
    Turnover in species composition among gardens leads to an extremely high overall plant richness, with 636 taxa recorded flowering. The nectar supply is dominated by non-natives, which provide 91% of all nectar sugar, while shrubs are the main plant life form contributing to nectar production (58%). Two-thirds of nectar sugar is only available to relatively specialised pollinators, leaving just one-third that is accessible to all.
    Synthesis and applications. By measuring nectar supply in residential gardens, our study demonstrates that pollinator-friendly management, affecting garden quality, is more important than the size of a garden, giving every gardener an opportunity to contribute to pollinator conservation in urban areas. For gardeners interested in increasing the value of their land to foraging pollinators, we recommend planting nectar-rich shrubs with complementary flowering periods and prioritising flowers with an open structure in late summer and autumn.
    [Tew, N.E., Baldock, K.C., Vaughan, I.P., Bird, S. and Memmott, J. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59(3), pp.801-811.]
  • A15K-1789 - Greater Los Angeles Area dominates U.S. emissions of sulfuryl fluoride, a potent greenhouse gas
    Sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2) is a synthetic pesticide and a potent greenhouse gas that has been steadily accumulating in the global atmosphere, rising from <0.5 parts per trillion (ppt) in the 1980's to over 2.5 ppt today. By 2015, the use of methyl bromide (CH3Br) for agricultural and structural fumigation was phased out under the Montreal Protocol. As a result, SO2F2 has been increasingly phased in as a replacement fumigant worldwide. Rising SO2F2 emissions are of notable concern because the gas has a relatively long atmospheric lifetime of ~36 ± 11 years, and a sizable global warming potential (GWP). However, there remains significant uncertainty about the magnitude and spatiotemporal distribution of SO2F2 emissions. In this study, we use a geostatistical inverse model (GIM) along with atmospheric measurements of SO2F2 from the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory to estimate SO2F2 emissions fluxes across North America. Atmospheric observations were collected via programmable flask packages (PFPs) from a network of tall towers, surface observatories, and vertical-profiling aircraft, and were measured via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). To correlate surface emissions with downwind measurements, we use a Lagrangian particle dispersion model (STILT), with meteorology fields prescribed by the North American Mesoscale 12-km (NAM-12) data product. We construct our deterministic model using multiple predictor variables, including the SO2F2 county use inventory from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation and land cover classifications from the USGS National Land Cover Database. Our posterior GIM estimates indicate that the vast majority of U.S. SO2F2 emissions originate from California, and from the Greater Los Angeles Area in particular. Outside of California, emissions of SO2F2 are sparse or zero in most regions. In the context of recent global SO2F2 modeling work, the results presented here imply that California is the world-leading emitter of sulfuryl fluoride. Notably, SO2F2 was not included in AB-32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, because its climate-warming properties were not known at the time. This work emphasizes the importance of considering SO2F2 in state and national greenhouse gas inventories and emissions reduction strategies.
    [Gaeta, D.C., Vimont, I.J., Miller, B.R., Zhang, M. and Miller, S.M. In AGU Fall Meeting 2021. AGU.]
  • Agricultural Fast Food: Bats Feeding in Banana Monocultures Are Heavier but Have Less Diverse Gut Microbiota
    Habitat alteration for agriculture can negatively affect wildlife physiology and health by decreasing diet diversity and increasing exposure to agrochemicals for animals foraging in altered landscapes. Such negative effects may be mediated by the disruption of the gut microbiota (termed dysbiosis), yet evidence for associations between habitat alteration, wildlife health, and the gut microbiota remains scarce. We examine the association between management intensity of banana plantations and both the body condition and gut microbiota composition of nectar-feeding bats Glossophaga soricina, which commonly forage within banana plantations across Latin America. We captured and measured 196 bats across conventional monocultures, organic plantations, and natural forests in Costa Rica, and quantified gut microbiome bacterial phylogenetic diversity using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. We found that gut microbiota from bats foraging in conventional monocultures were overall less phylogenetically diverse than those from bats foraging in organic plantations or natural forests, both of which were characterized by diverse bacterial assemblages and individualized microbiota. Despite lower diversity, co-occurrence network complexity was higher in conventional monocultures, potentially indicating altered microbial interactions in agricultural landscapes. Bats from both organic and conventional plantations tended to be larger and heavier than their forest counterparts, reflecting the higher food supply. Overall, our study reveals that whilst both conventional monocultures and organic plantations provide a reliable food source for bats, conventional monocultures are associated with less diverse and potentially dysbiotic microbiota, whilst organic plantations promote diverse and individualized gut microbiota akin to their natural forest-foraging counterparts. Whilst the long-term negative effects of anthropogenically-altered microbiota are unclear, our study provides further evidence from a novel perspective that organic agricultural practices are beneficial for wildlife health.
    [Alpízar, P., Risely, A., Tschapka, M. and Sommer, S. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, p.608.]
  • An evaluation of biological soil health indicators in four long-term continuous agroecosystems in Canada
    The soil microbial community (SMC) and soil organic matter (SOM) are inherently related and are sensitive to land-use changes. Microorganisms regulate essential soil functions that are key to SOM dynamics, whereas SOM dynamics define the SMC. To expand our understanding of soil health, we evaluated biological and SOM indicators in long-term (18-yr) continuous silage corn (Zea mays L.), continuous soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], and perennial grass ecosystems in Ontario, Canada. The SMC was evaluated via ester-linked fatty acid methyl ester (EL-FAME) and amplicon sequencing. Soil organic matter was evaluated via a new combined enzyme assay that provides a single biogeochemical cycling value for C, N, P, and S cycling activity (CNPS), as well as loss-on-ignition, permanganate oxidizable C (POXC), and total C and N. Overall, soil health indicators followed the trend of grasses > corn > soybean. Grass systems had up to 8.1 times more arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, increased fungal/bacteria ratios (via EL-FAME), and higher microbial diversity (via sequencing). The POXC was highly variable within treatments and did not significantly differ between systems. The novel CNPS activity assay, however, was highly sensitive to management (up to 2.2 and 3.2 times higher under grasses than corn and soybean, respectively) and was positively correlated (ρ > .92) to SOM, total C, and total N. Following the “more is better” model, where higher values of the measured parameters indicate a healthier soil, our study showed decreased soil health under monocultures, especially soybean, and highlights the need to implement sustainable agriculture practices that maintain soil health.
    [Pérez‐Guzmán, L., Phillips, L.A., Seuradge, B.J., Agomoh, I., Drury, C.F. and Acosta‐Martínez, V. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 4(2), p.e20164.]
  • Anticoagulant rodenticide exposure and toxicosis in bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in the United States
    Raptors, including eagles, are geographically widespread and sit atop the food chain, thereby serving an important role in maintaining ecosystem balance. After facing population declines associated with exposure to organochlorine insecticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) have recovered from the brink of extinction. However, both bald and golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) are exposed to a variety of other toxic compounds in the environment that could have population impacts. Few studies have focused on anticoagulant rodenticide (AR) exposure in eagles. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the types of ARs that eagles are exposed to in the USA and better define the extent of toxicosis (i.e., fatal illness due to compound exposure). Diagnostic case records from bald and golden eagles submitted to the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (University of Georgia) 2014 through 2018 were reviewed. Overall, 303 eagles were examined, and the livers from 116 bald eagles and 17 golden eagles were tested for ARs. The percentage of AR exposure (i.e., detectable levels but not associated with mortality) in eagles was high; ARs were detected in 109 (82%) eagles, including 96 (83%) bald eagles and 13 (77%) golden eagles. Anticoagulant rodenticide toxicosis was determined to be the cause of mortality in 12 (4%) of the 303 eagles examined, including 11 bald eagles and 1 golden eagle. Six different AR compounds were detected in these eagles, with brodifacoum and bromadiolone most frequently detected (81% and 25% of eagles tested, respectively). These results suggest that some ARs, most notably brodifacoum, are widespread in the environment and are commonly consumed by eagles. This highlights the need for research to understand the pathways of AR exposure in eagles, which may help inform policy and regulatory actions to mitigate AR exposure risk.
    [Niedringhaus, K.D., Nemeth, N.M., Gibbs, S., Zimmerman, J., Shender, L., Slankard, K., Fenton, H., Charlie, B., Dalton, M.F., Elsmo, E.J. and Poppenga, R. Plos one, 16(4), p.e0246134.]
    The objective of this project was to assess the potential health risk to open-water swimmers in the vicinity of fish farms in Scotland in relation to medicinal treatments applied for the control of sea lice on salmon. The three substances assessed were azamethiphos, deltamethrin and hydrogen peroxide; these substances forming the active ingredients of products licensed for medicinal use on fish farms. The risk characterisation ratios for azamethiphos and deltamethrin were determined to be 0.8 and 0.0007, respectively. As these values were both below 1, it can be concluded that the concentrations of azamethiphos and deltamethrin used to treat fish are below the concentrations predicted by SWIMODEL to present no hazard to swimmers (on a worst-case basis). This demonstrates that the concentrations used to treat fish are safe for open-water swimmers, even before dilution and dispersion occurs in open waters. However, for hydrogen
    peroxide, the risk characterisation ratio was determined to be 27.7. As this value is above 1, this indicates a risk associated with the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide used in the fish treatment baths. Therefore, characterisation of dilution and dispersion factors are likely to be required to be taken into account to demonstrate that discharges of hydrogen peroxide are safe for open-water swimmers
    [WCA Environment Ltd.]
  • Birds feeding on tebuconazole treated seeds have reduced breeding output
    Drilled seeds are an important food resource for many farmland birds but may pose a serious risk when treated with pesticides. Most compounds currently used as seed treatment in the EU have low acute toxicity but may still affect birds in a sub-chronic or chronic way, especially considering that the sowing season lasts several weeks or months, resulting in a long exposure period for birds. Tebuconazole is a triazole fungicide widely used in agriculture but its toxicity to birds remains largely unknown. Our aim was to test if a realistic scenario of exposure to tebuconazole treated seeds affected the survival and subsequent reproduction of the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa). We fed captive partridges with wheat seeds treated with 0%, 20% or 100% of tebuconazole application rate during 25 days in late winter (i.e. tebuconazole dietary doses were approximately 0.2 and 1.1 mg/kg bw/day). We studied treatment effects on the physiology (i.e. body weight, biochemistry, immunology, oxidative stress, coloration) and reproduction of partridges. Exposed birds did not reduce food consumption but presented reduced plasmatic concentrations of lipids (triglycerides at both exposure doses, cholesterol at high dose) and proteins (high dose). The coloration of the eye ring was also reduced in the low dose group. Exposure ended 60 days before the first egg was laid, but still affected reproductive output: hatching rate was reduced by 23% and brood size was 1.5 times smaller in the high dose group compared with controls. No significant reproductive effects were found in the low dose group. Our results point to the need to study the potential endocrine disruption mechanism of this fungicide with lagged effects on reproduction. Risk assessments for tebuconazole use as seed treatment should be revised in light of these reported effects on bird reproduction.
    [Lopez-Antia, A., Ortiz-Santaliestra, M.E., Mougeot, F., Camarero, P.R. and Mateo, R., 2021. Environmental Pollution, 271, p.116292.]
  • Can Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Contribute to Sustainable Agriculture?
    Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) have become the leading agricultural herbicides used globally since the development of genetically engineered herbicide-tolerant crops. This paper investigates whether GBHs are consistent with or supportive of sustainable agriculture. Agricultural sustainability is defined by generally agreed upon goals: (1) promoting agroecology; (2) protecting soils and the Earth’s natural resources; (3) protecting biodiversity; and (4) enhancing the quality of life and health of farmers, farm workers, and society. Through an in-depth examination of the scholarly literature, the paper explores whether the scientific studies of GBHs are consistent with their sustainable applications in agriculture in the areas of human health, non-tillage agriculture, soil quality, aquatic ecosystems and beneficial, non-target species. Based on the four generally agreed upon goals listed above for agricultural sustainability, the paper finds that GBHs are not consistent with sustainability goals.

    [Krimsky, S. Sustainability, 13(4), p.2337.]
  • Climate change aggravates non-target effects of pesticides on dragonflies at macroecological scales.
    Critical gaps in understanding how species respond to environmental change limit our capacity to address conservation risks in a timely way. Here, we examine the direct and interactive effects of key global change drivers, including climate change, land use change, and pesticide use, on persistence of 104 odonate species between two time periods (1980–2002 and 2008–2018) within 100 × 100 km quadrats across the USA using phylogenetic mixed models. Non-target effects of pesticides interacted with higher maximum temperatures to contribute to odonate declines. Closely related species responded similarly to global change drivers, indicating a potential role of inherited traits in species’ persistence or decline. Species shifting their range to higher latitudes were more robust to negative impacts of global change drivers generally. Inherited traits related to dispersal abilities and establishment in new places may govern both species’ acclimation to global change and their abilities to expand their range limits, respectively. This work is among the first to assess effects of climate change, land use change, and land use intensification together on Odonata, a significant step that improves understanding of multispecies effects of global change on invertebrates, and further identifies conditions contributing to global insect loss.
    [Sirois-Delisle, C. and Kerr, J.T., 2021. ]
  • Co-formulant in a commercial fungicide product causes lethal and sub-lethal effects in bumble bees
    Pollinators, particularly wild bees, are suffering declines across the globe, and pesticides are thought to be drivers of these declines. Research into, and regulation of pesticides has focused on the active ingredients, and their impact on bee health. In contrast, the additional components in pesticide formulations have been overlooked as potential threats. By testing an acute oral dose of the fungicide product Amistar, and equivalent doses of each individual co-formulant, we were able to measure the toxicity of the formulation and identify the ingredient responsible. We found that a co-formulant, alcohol ethoxylates, caused a range of damage to bumble bee health. Exposure to alcohol ethoxylates caused 30% mortality and a range of sublethal effects. Alcohol ethoxylates treated bees consumed half as much sucrose as negative control bees over the course of the experiment and lost weight. Alcohol ethoxylates treated bees had significant melanisation of their midguts, evidence of gut damage. We suggest that this gut damage explains the reduction in appetite, weight loss and mortality, with bees dying from energy depletion. Our results demonstrate that sublethal impacts of pesticide formulations need to be considered during regulatory consideration, and that co-formulants can be more toxic than active ingredients.
    [Straw, E.A. and Brown, M.J. Scientific reports, 11(1), pp.1-10.]
  • Experimental evidence for neonicotinoid driven decline in aquatic emerging insects
    Survey data show a large-scale decline in insects. This global decline is often linked to human actions in intensive agricultural areas. To investigate whether this decline has a causal relationship with neonicotinoid insecticides, we performed an outdoor experiment with representative surface water concentrations of the neonicotinoid thiacloprid. We exposed naturally formed aquatic communities to increasing neonicotinoid concentrations and monitored insect emergence during a 3-mo period. We show that increasing neonicotinoid concentrations strongly decreased the abundance and biomass of five major insect orders that together comprised >99% of the 55,574 collected insects as well as the diversity of the most species-rich freshwater family, thus showing a causal relation between insect decline and neonicotinoids.
    [Barmentlo, S.H., Schrama, M., De Snoo, G.R., Van Bodegom, P.M., van Nieuwenhuijzen, A. and Vijver, M.G. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(44).]
  • Field Borders Provide Winter Refuge for Beneficial Predators and Parasitoids: A Case Study on Organic Farms
    Semi-natural field borders are frequently used in midwestern U.S. sustainable agriculture. These habitats are meant to help diversify otherwise monocultural landscapes and provision them with ecosystem services, including biological control. Predatory and parasitic arthropods (i.e., potential natural enemies) often flourish in these habitats and may move into crops to help control pests. However, detailed information on the capacity of semi-natural field borders for providing overwintering refuge for these arthropods is poorly understood. In this study, we used soil emergence tents to characterize potential natural enemy communities (i.e., predacious beetles, wasps, spiders, and other arthropods) overwintering in cultivated organic crop fields and adjacent field borders. We found a greater abundance, species richness, and unique community composition of predatory and parasitic arthropods in field borders compared to arable crop fields, which were generally poorly suited as overwintering habitat. Furthermore, potential natural enemies tended to be positively associated with forb cover and negatively associated with grass cover, suggesting that grassy field borders with less forb cover are less well-suited as winter refugia. These results demonstrate that semi-natural habitats like field borders may act as a source for many natural enemies on a year-to-year basis and are important for conserving arthropod diversity in agricultural landscapes.
    [Clem, C.S. and Harmon-Threatt, A.N. Journal of Insect Science, 21(3), p.2.]
  • Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Alter the Reproductive Morphology of Rosa acicularis (Prickly Rose)
    Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide that is widely used in many different commercial formulations. Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) are used in forestry operations to reduce populations of plants that compete with merchantable conifers. Past research has found that low-dose GBH applications caused male sterility in agriculturally relevant plants, sparking a need to determine the potential impacts of forestry-related GBH applications on understory plants. We investigated the effects of GBH on the reproductive morphology of Rosa acicularis, a highly prevalent understory shrub within British Columbia, Canada, growing on three operational forestry cutblocks treated with 1.782 kg a.i./ha of glyphosate, in the Omineca Region, and also in a controlled experiment. We analyzed floral and pollen morphology from treated plants and compared these with untreated plants in both scenarios. Pollen viability of treated plants was reduced by an average of 66%, and >30% of anthers were non-dehiscent compared to controls across our three field sites and experimental plants. We also found alterations in pollen and petal morphology in flowers from treated sites and glyphosate residues present in floral tissues 2 years after GBH applications. It is important to fully understand how long GBH-induced change will impact forest vegetation, to preserve natural forest biodiversity and reduce anthropogenic influences on boreal forest ecosystems
    [Golt, A.R. and Wood, L.J. Frontiers in Plant Science, p.1184.]
  • Greater Los Angeles Area dominates U.S. emissions of sulfuryl fluoride, a potent greenhouse gas
    Sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2) is a synthetic pesticide and a potent greenhouse gas that has been steadily accumulating in the global atmosphere, rising from <0.5 parts per trillion (ppt) in the 1980's to over 2.5 ppt today. By 2015, the use of methyl bromide (CH3Br) for agricultural and structural fumigation was phased out under the Montreal Protocol. As a result, SO2F2 has been increasingly phased in as a replacement fumigant worldwide. Rising SO2F2 emissions are of notable concern because the gas has a relatively long atmospheric lifetime of ~36 ± 11 years, and a sizable global warming potential (GWP). However, there remains significant uncertainty about the magnitude and spatiotemporal distribution of SO2F2 emissions. In this study, the researchers use a geostatistical inverse model (GIM) along with atmospheric measurements of SO2F2 from the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory to estimate SO2F2 emissions fluxes across North America. Atmospheric observations were collected via programmable flask packages (PFPs) from a network of tall towers, surface observatories, and vertical-profiling aircraft, and were measured via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). To correlate surface emissions with downwind measurements, we use a Lagrangian particle dispersion model (STILT), with meteorology fields prescribed by the North American Mesoscale 12-km (NAM-12) data product. We construct our deterministic model using multiple predictor variables, including the SO2F2 county use inventory from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation and land cover classifications from the USGS National Land Cover Database. The posterior GIM estimates indicate that the vast majority of U.S. SO2F2 emissions originate from California, and from the Greater Los Angeles Area in particular. Outside of California, emissions of SO2F2 are sparse or zero in most regions. In the context of recent global SO2F2 modeling work, the results presented here imply that California is the world-leading emitter of sulfuryl fluoride. Notably, SO2F2 was not included in AB-32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, because its climate-warming properties were not known at the time. This work emphasizes the importance of considering SO2F2 in state and national greenhouse gas inventories and emissions reduction strategies.
    [Gaeta, D.C., Vimont, I.J., Miller, B.R., Zhang, M. and Miller, S.M. AGU Fall Meeting 2021. AGU.]
  • Identifying and characterizing pesticide use on 9,000 fields of organic agriculture
    Notwithstanding popular perception, the environmental impacts of organic agriculture, particularly with respect to pesticide use, are not well established. Fueling the impasse is the general lack of data on comparable organic and conventional agricultural fields. We identify the location of ~9,000 organic fields from 2013 to 2019 using field-level crop and pesticide use data, along with state certification data, for Kern County, CA, one of the US’ most valuable crop producing counties. We parse apart how being organic relative to conventional affects decisions to spray pesticides and, if spraying, how much to spray using both raw and yield gap-adjusted pesticide application rates, based on a global meta-analysis. We show the expected probability of spraying any pesticides is reduced by about 30 percentage points for organic relative to conventional fields, across different metrics of pesticide use including overall weight applied and coarse ecotoxicity metrics. We report little difference, on average, in pesticide use for organic and conventional fields that do spray, though observe substantial crop-specific heterogeneity.
    [Larsen, A.E., Claire Powers, L. and McComb, S. Nature communications, 12(1), pp.1-12.]
  • Indirect Effects of the Herbicide Glyphosate on Plant, Animal and Human Health Through its Effects on Microbial Communities
    The herbicide glyphosate interferes with the shikimate pathway in plants and in major groups of microorganisms impeding the production of aromatic amino acids. Glyphosate application on plants results in a slow death, accelerated by reduced resistance to root pathogens. Extensive glyphosate use has resulted in increasing residues in soil and waterways. Although direct glyphosate effects on animals are limited, major concerns have arisen about indirect harmful side effects. In this paper, we focus on indirect effects of sublethal concentrations of glyphosate on plant, animal and human health due to shifts in microbial community compositions in successive habitats. Research results of glyphosate effects on microbial communities in soil, rhizosphere and animal guts have been contradictory due to the different integration levels studied. Most glyphosate studies have tested short-term treatment effects on microbial biomass or general community composition at higher taxonomic levels in soil, rhizosphere or animal intestinal tracts, and found little effect. More detailed studies showed reductions in specific genera or species as well as biological processes after glyphosate application. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and beneficial intestinal bacteria often are negatively affected, while pathogenic bacteria and fungi are enhanced. Such shifts in microbial community composition have been implicated in enhanced susceptibility of plants to Fusarium and Rhizoctonia, of birds and mammals to toxic Clostridium and Salmonella species, and of bees to Serratia and Deformed Wing Virus. In animals and humans, glyphosate exposure and concentrations in urine have been associated with intestinal diseases and neurological as well as endocrine problems, but cause-effect relationships need to be determined in more detail. Nevertheless, outbreaks of several animal and plant diseases have been related to glyphosate accumulation in the environment. Long-term glyphosate effects have been underreported, and new standards will be needed for residues in plant and animal products and the environment.
    [Van Bruggen, A.H., Finckh, M.R., He, M., Ritsema, C.J., Harkes, P., Knuth, D. and Geissen, V. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9.]
  • Losing the ‘arms race’: multiresistant salmon lice are dispersed throughout the North Atlantic Ocean
    Nothing lasts forever, including the effect of chemicals aimed to control pests in food production. As old pesticides have been compromised by emerging resistance, new ones have been introduced and turned the odds back in our favour. With time, however, some pests have developed multi-pesticide resistance, challenging our ability to control them. In salmonid aquaculture, the ectoparasitic salmon louse has developed resistance to most of the available delousing compounds. The discovery of genetic markers associated with resistance to organophosphates and pyrethroids made it possible for us to investigate simultaneous resistance to both compounds in approximately 2000 samples of salmon lice from throughout the North Atlantic in the years 2000–2016. We observed widespread and increasing multiresistance on the European side of the Atlantic, particularly in areas with intensive aquaculture. Multiresistant lice were also found on wild Atlantic salmon and sea trout, and also on farmed salmonid hosts in areas where delousing chemicals have not been used. In areas with intensive aquaculture, there are almost no lice left that are sensitive to both compounds. These results demonstrate the speed to which this parasite can develop widespread multiresistance, illustrating why the aquaculture industry has repeatedly lost the arms race with this highly problematic parasite.
    [Fjørtoft, H.B., Nilsen, F., Besnier, F., Stene, A., Tveten, A.K., Bjørn, P.A., Aspehaug, V.T. and Glover, K.A. Royal Society open science, 8(5), p.210265.]
  • Lower socioeconomic status neighborhoods in Puerto Rico have more diverse mosquito communities and higher Aedes aegypti abundance
    Mosquito community dynamics in urban areas are influenced by an array of both social and ecological factors. Human socioeconomic factors (SEF) can be related to mosquito abundance and diversity as urban mosquito development sites are modified by varying human activity, e.g., level of abandoned structures or amount of accumulated trash. The goal of this study was to investigate the relationships among mosquito diversity, populations of Aedes aegypti, and SEF in a tropical urban setting. Mosquitoes were collected using BG Sentinel 2 traps and CDC light traps during three periods between late 2018 and early 2019 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and were identified to species. SEFs (i.e. median household income, population density, college-level educational attainment, unemployment, health insurance coverage, percentage of households below the poverty line, amount of trash and level of abandoned homes) were measured using foot surveys and U.S. Census data. We found 19 species with the two most abundant species being Culex quinquefasciatus (n = 10 641, 87.6%) and Ae. aegypti (n = 1558, 12.8%). We found a positive association between Ae. aegypti abundance and mosquito diversity, which were both negatively related to SEF and ecological factors. Specifically, lower socioeconomic status neighborhoods had both more Ae. aegypti and more diverse communities, due to more favorable development habitat, indicating that control efforts should be focused in these areas.
    [Scavo, N.A., Barrera, R., Reyes-Torres, L.J. and Yee, D.A. Journal of Urban Ecology, 7(1), p.juab009.]
  • Metabolic Pathways for S-Metolachlor Detoxification Differ Between Tolerant Corn and Multiple-Resistant Waterhemp
    Herbicide resistance in weeds can be conferred by target-site and/or non-target-site mechanisms, such as rapid metabolic detoxification. Resistance to the very-long-chain fatty acid–inhibiting herbicide, S-metolachlor, in multiple herbicide-resistant populations (CHR and SIR) of waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) is conferred by rapid metabolism compared with sensitive populations. However, enzymatic pathways for S-metolachlor metabolism in waterhemp are unknown. Enzyme assays using S-metolachlor were developed to determine the specific activities of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) from CHR and SIR seedlings to compare with tolerant corn and sensitive waterhemp (WUS). GST activities were greater (∼2-fold) in CHR and SIR compared to WUS but much less than corn. In contrast, P450s in microsomal extracts from CHR and SIR formed O-demethylated S-metolachlor, and their NADPH-dependent specific activities were greater (>20-fold) than corn or WUS. Metabolite profiles of S-metolachlor generated via untargeted and targeted liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry from CHR and SIR differed from WUS, with greater relative abundances of O-demethylated S-metolachlor and O-demethylated S-metolachlor-glutathione conjugates formed by CHR and SIR. In summary, our results demonstrate that S-metolachlor metabolism in resistant waterhemp involves Phase I and Phase II metabolic activities acting in concert, but the initial O-demethylation reaction confers resistance.
    [Strom, S.A., Hager, A.G., Concepcion, J.C.T., Seiter, N.J., Davis, A.S., Morris, J.A., Kaundun, S.S. and Riechers, D.E. Plant and Cell Physiology, 62(11), pp.1770-1785.]
  • Nanoplastics are neither microplastics nor engineered nanoparticles


    • The reported effects of micro(nano)plastics and pharmaceuticals/pesticides co-exposure were reviewed.
    • Antagonistic and synergistic interactions were reported after MNPs co-exposure with pharmaceuticals/pesticides.
    • Knowledge gaps and research needs were highlighted.


    This review provides an overview of the current knowledge addressing the interactions between micro(nano)plastics (MNPs) and pharmaceuticals or pesticides, highlights the main findings, and outlines research perspectives for future investigations. The available studies demonstrated that MNPs can act as pollutant carriers. The reviewed literature reveals that MNPs influence the toxicity of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in various environmental compartments, modulating the toxicity of pharmaceuticals and pesticides, either through antagonistic or synergistic interactions. MNPs have been shown to mostly confer protective effects against the toxicity of antibiotics, while exacerbating the toxic effects of certain pesticides. To ensure a more comprehensive understanding of the interactions between MNPs and pharmaceuticals/pesticides, future research should focus on several key aspects that include more environmentally relevant scenarios (e.g., concentrations, long-term exposures), elucidation of the underlying mechanisms of action at molecular and cellular levels,addressing effects on different species and also considering climate change scenarios.

    [Gigault, J. et al. (2021) ‘Nanoplastics are neither microplastics nor engineered nanoparticles’, Nature Nanotechnology, 16(5), pp. 501–507. doi:10.1038/s41565-021-00886-4. ]
  • Neonicotinoids from coated seeds toxic for honeydew-feeding biological control agents
    Seed coating (‘seed treatment’) is the leading delivery method of neonicotinoid insecticides in major crops such as soybean, wheat, cotton and maize. However, this prophylactic use of neonicotinoids is widely discussed from the standpoint of environmental costs. Growing soybean plants from neonicotinoid-coated seeds in field, we demonstrate that soybean aphids (Aphis glycines) survived the treatment, and excreted honeydew containing neonicotinoids. Biochemical analyses demonstrated that honeydew excreted by the soybean aphid contained substantial concentrations of neonicotinoids even one month after sowing of the crop. Consuming this honeydew reduced the longevity of two biological control agents of the soybean aphid, the predatory midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza and the parasitic wasp Aphelinus certus. These results have important environmental and economic implications because honeydew is the main carbohydrate source for many beneficial insects in agricultural landscapes.
    [Calvo-Agudo, M., Dregni, J., González-Cabrera, J., Dicke, M., Heimpel, G.E. and Tena, A. Environmental Pollution, 289, p.117813.]
  • Past insecticide exposure reduces bee reproduction and population growth rate
    Pesticides are linked to global insect declines, with impacts on biodiversity and essential ecosystem services. In addition to well-documented direct impacts of pesticides at the current stage or time, potential delayed “carryover” effects from past exposure at a different life stage may augment impacts on individuals and populations. We investigated the effects of current exposure and the carryover effects of past insecticide exposure on the individual vital rates and population growth of the solitary bee, Osmia lignaria. Bees in flight cages freely foraged on wildflowers, some treated with the common insecticide, imidacloprid, in a fully crossed design over 2 y, with insecticide exposure or no exposure in each year. Insecticide exposure directly to foraging adults and via carryover effects from past exposure reduced reproduction. Repeated exposure across 2 y additively impaired individual performance, leading to a nearly fourfold reduction in bee population growth. Exposure to even a single insecticide application can have persistent effects on vital rates and can reduce population growth for multiple generations. Carryover effects had profound implications for population persistence and must be considered in risk assessment, conservation, and management decisions for pollinators to mitigate the effects of insecticide exposure.
    [Stuligross, C. and Williams, N.M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(48).]
  • Resistance, resilience, and functional redundancy of freshwater bacterioplankton communities facing a gradient of agricultural stressors in a mesocosm experiment
    Agricultural pollution with fertilizers and pesticides is a common disturbance to freshwater biodiversity. Bacterioplankton communities are at the base of aquatic food webs, but their responses to these potentially interacting stressors are rarely explored. To test the extent of resistance and resilience in bacterioplankton communities faced with agricultural stressors, we exposed freshwater mesocosms to single and combined gradients of two commonly used pesticides: the herbicide glyphosate (0–15 mg/L) and the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid (0–60 μg/L), in high or low nutrient backgrounds. Over the 43-day experiment, we tracked variation in bacterial density with flow cytometry, carbon substrate use with Biolog EcoPlates, and taxonomic diversity and composition with environmental 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. We show that only glyphosate (at the highest dose, 15 mg/L), but not imidacloprid, nutrients, or their interactions measurably changed community structure, favouring members of the Proteobacteria including the genus Agrobacterium. However, no change in carbon substrate use was detected throughout, suggesting functional redundancy despite taxonomic changes. We further show that communities are resilient at broad, but not fine taxonomic levels: 24 days after glyphosate application the precise amplicon sequence variants do not return, and tend to be replaced by phylogenetically close taxa. We conclude that high doses of glyphosate – but still within commonly acceptable regulatory guidelines – alter freshwater bacterioplankton by favouring a subset of higher taxonomic units (i.e., genus to phylum) that transiently thrive in the presence of glyphosate. Longer-term impacts of glyphosate at finer taxonomic resolution merit further investigation.
    [Barbosa da Costa, N., Fugère, V., Hébert, M.P., Xu, C.C., Barrett, R.D., Beisner, B.E., Bell, G., Yargeau, V., Fussmann, G.F., Gonzalez, A. and Shapiro, B.J. Molecular ecology, 30(19), pp.4771-4788.]
  • Tallgrass prairie wildlife exposure to spray drift from commonly used soybean insecticides in Midwestern USA
    Insecticides are widely used in the Midwestern USA to combat soybean aphids (Aphis glycines), a globally important crop pest. Broad-spectrum foliar insecticides such as chlorpyrifos, lambda-cyhalothrin, and bifenthrin (hereafter, “target insecticides”) are toxic to wildlife in laboratory settings; however, little information exists regarding drift and deposition of these insecticides in fragmented tallgrass prairie grasslands such as those in Minnesota, USA. To address this information gap, target insecticide spray drift and deposition were measured on passive samplers and arthropods in grasslands adjacent to crop fields in Minnesota. Samples were collected at focal soybean field sites immediately following target insecticide application and at reference corn field sites without target insecticide application. Target insecticides were detected 400 m into grasslands at both focal and reference sites. Residues of chlorpyrifos, an insecticide especially toxic to pollinators and birds, were measured above the contact lethal dose (LD50) for honey bees (Apis mellifera) up to 25 m from field edges in adjacent grasslands. Chlorpyrifos residues on arthropods were below the acute oral LD50 for several common farmland bird species but were above the level shown to impair migratory orientation in white-crowed sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys). Deposition of target insecticides on passive samplers was inversely associated with distance from field edge and percent canopy cover of grassland vegetation, and positively associated with samplers placed at mid-canopy compared to ground level. Target insecticide deposition on arthropods had an inverse relationship with vertical vegetation density and was positively associated with maximum height of vegetation. Tallgrass prairie with cover ≥25 m from row crop edges may provide wildlife habitat with lower exposure to foliar application insecticides. Prairie management regimes that increase percent canopy cover and density of vegetation may also reduce exposure of wildlife to these insecticides.
    [Goebel, K. et al. (2021) Tallgrass prairie wildlife exposure to spray drift from commonly used soybean insecticides in Midwestern USA, Science of The Total Environment. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969721068212. ]
  • The silence of the clams: Forestry registered pesticides as multiple stressors on soft-shell clams
    Contaminants are ubiquitous in the environment, often reaching aquatic systems. Combinations of forestry use pesticides have been detected in both water and aquatic organism tissue samples in coastal systems. Yet, most toxicological studies focus on the effects of these pesticides individually, at high doses, and over acute time periods, which, while key for establishing toxicity and safe limits, are rarely environmentally realistic. We examined chronic (90 days) exposure by the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria, to environmentally relevant concentrations of four pesticides registered for use in forestry (atrazine, 5 μg/L; hexazinone, 0.3 μg/L; indaziflam, 5 μg/L; and bifenthrin, 1.5 μg/g organic carbon (OC)). Pesticides were tested individually and in combination, except bifenthrin, which was tested only in combination with the other three. We measured shell growth and condition index every 30 days, as well as feeding rates, mortality, and chemical concentrations in tissue from a subset of clams at the end of the experiment to measure contaminant uptake. Indaziflam caused a high mortality rate (max. 36%), followed by atrazine (max. 27%), both individually as well as in combination with other pesticides. Additionally, indaziflam concentrations in tissue (61.70–152.56 ng/g) were higher than those of atrazine (26.48–48.56 ng/g), despite equal dosing concentrations, indicating higher tissue accumulation. Furthermore, clams exposed to indaziflam and hexazinone experienced reduced condition index and clearance rates individually and in combination with other compounds; however, the two combined did not result in significant mortality. These two compounds, even at environmentally relevant concentrations, affected a non-target organism and, in the case of the herbicide indaziflam, accumulated in clam tissue and appeared more toxic than other tested pesticides. These findings underscore the need for more comprehensive studies combining multiple compounds at relevant concentrations to understand their impacts on aquatic ecosystems.
    [Tissot, A.G., Granek, E.F., Thompson, A.W., Hladik, M.L., Moran, P.W. and Scully-Engelmeyer, K. Science of The Total Environment, p.152053.]
  • Tourism and urban development as drivers for invertebrate diversity loss on tropical islands
    Oceanic islands harbour a disproportionately high number of endemic and threatened species. Rapidly growing human populations and tourism are posing an increasing threat to island biota, yet the ecological consequences of these human land uses on small oceanic island systems have not been quantified. Here, we investigated and compared the impact of tourism and urban island development on ground-associated invertebrate biodiversity and habitat composition on oceanic islands. To disentangle tourism and urban land uses, we investigated Indo-Pacific atoll islands, which either exhibit only tourism or urban development, or remain uninhabited. Within the investigated system, we show that species richness, abundance and Shannon diversity of the investigated invertebrate community are significantly decreased under tourism and urban land use, relative to uninhabited islands. Remote-sensing-based spatial data suggest that habitat fragmentation and a reduction in vegetation density are having significant effects on biodiversity on urban islands, whereas land use/cover changes could not be linked to the documented biodiversity loss on tourist islands. This offers the first direct evidence for a major terrestrial invertebrate loss on remote oceanic atoll islands due to different human land uses with yet unforeseeable long-term consequences for the stability and resilience of oceanic island ecosystems.
    [Steibl, S., Franke, J. and Laforsch, C. Royal Society open science, 8(10), p.210411.]
  • Widespread agrochemicals differentially affect zooplankton biomass and community structure
    Anthropogenic environmental change is causing habitat deterioration at unprecedented rates in freshwater ecosystems. Despite increasing more rapidly than many other agents of global change, synthetic chemical pollution—including agrochemicals such as pesticides—has received relatively little attention in freshwater community and ecosystem ecology. Determining the combined effects of multiple agrochemicals on complex biological systems remains a major challenge, requiring a cross-field integration of ecology and ecotoxicology. Using a large-scale array of experimental ponds, we investigated the response of zooplankton community properties (biomass, composition, and diversity metrics) to the individual and joint presence of three globally widespread agrochemicals: the herbicide glyphosate, the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid, and nutrient fertilizers. We tracked temporal variation in zooplankton biomass and community structure along single and combined pesticide gradients (each spanning eight levels), under low (mesotrophic) and high (eutrophic) nutrient-enriched conditions, and quantified (1) response threshold concentrations, (2) agrochemical interactions, and (3) community resistance and recovery. We found that the biomass of major zooplankton groups differed in their sensitivity to pesticides: ≥0.3 mg/L glyphosate elicited long-lasting declines in rotifer communities, both pesticides impaired copepods (≥3 µg/L imidacloprid and ≥5.5 mg/L glyphosate), whereas some cladocerans were highly tolerant to pesticide contamination. Strong interactive effects of pesticides were only recorded in ponds treated with the combination of the highest doses. Overall, glyphosate was the most influential driver of aggregate community properties of zooplankton, with biomass and community structure responding rapidly but recovering unequally over time. Total community biomass showed little resistance when first exposed to glyphosate, but rapidly recovered and even increased with glyphosate concentration over time; in contrast, taxon richness decreased in more contaminated ponds but failed to recover. Our results indicate that the biomass of tolerant taxa compensated for the loss of sensitive species after the first exposure, conferring greater community resistance upon a subsequent contamination event; a case of pollution-induced community tolerance in freshwater animals. These findings suggest that zooplankton biomass may be more resilient to agrochemical pollution than community structure; yet all community properties measured in this study were affected at glyphosate concentrations below common water quality guidelines in North America.
    [Hébert, M.P., Fugère, V., Beisner, B.E., Barbosa da Costa, N., Barrett, R.D., Bell, G., Shapiro, B.J., Yargeau, V., Gonzalez, A. and Fussmann, G.F. Ecological Applications, 31(7), p.e02423.]
  • Widespread Occurrence of Pesticides in Organically Managed Agricultural Soils-the Ghost of a Conventional Agricultural Past?
    Pesticides are applied in large quantities to agroecosystems worldwide. To date, few studies assessed the occurrence of pesticides in organically managed agricultural soils, and it is unresolved whether these pesticide residues affect soil life. We screened 100 fields under organic and conventional management with an analytical method containing 46 pesticides (16 herbicides, 8 herbicide transformation products, 17 fungicides, seven insecticides). Pesticides were found in all sites, including 40 organic fields. The number of pesticide residues was two times and the concentration nine times higher in conventional compared to organic fields. Pesticide number and concentrations significantly decreased with the duration of organic management. Even after 20 years of organic agriculture, up to 16 different pesticide residues were present. Microbial biomass and specifically the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, a widespread group of beneficial plant symbionts, were significantly negatively linked to the amount of pesticide residues in soil. This indicates that pesticide residues, in addition to abiotic factors such as pH, are a key factor determining microbial soil life in agroecosystems. This comprehensive study demonstrates that pesticides are a hidden reality in agricultural soils, and our results suggest that they have harmful effects on beneficial soil life.
    [Riedo, J., Wettstein, F.E., Rösch, A., Herzog, C., Banerjee, S., Büchi, L., Charles, R., Wächter, D., Martin-Laurent, F., Bucheli, T.D. and Walder, F., 2021. Environmental Science & Technology.]
  • Winter cover crops shape early-season predator communities and trophic interactions
    Despite the dynamic nature of annual cropping systems, few studies have investigated how the structure of predator communities and their interactions with prey corresponds with crop seasonality. Adding winter habitat, such as cover crops, improves soil health and likely contributes seasonal habitat availability for arthropod communities. Stable habitat may lead to functionally diverse predatory communities and their associated ecosystem services, such as biological control. Here, we estimated predatory community functional changes based on foraging traits determined by molecular gut–content analysis (MGCA) in response to winter cover crops (rye and crimson clover) in a cotton agroecosystem. Predators were collected from replicated 1-ha experimental field plots during each major stage of crop development in 2017 and 2018, and MGCA was used to estimate predator roles and responses to cover crop treatments. Cotton planted into a rye cover crop residue promoted unique predator communities in the early and mid-season as compared to no-cover fields. Correspondingly, we observed dissimilar prey consumption among cover crop treatments. Winter cover crops led to an increase in consumption of alternative prey and incidental pests by natural enemies on seedling cotton and encouraged high predator diversity that aligns temporally with potential early-season pest outbreaks. Therefore, cover crops commonly employed for soil health and erosion benefits also contribute to pest management by providing habitat and alternative prey resources that boost early-season predatory arthropod communities.
    [Bowers, C., Toews, M.D. and Schmidt, J.M. Ecosphere, 12(7), p.e03635.]
  • Anthropogenic Contaminants and Histopathological Findings in Stranded Cetaceans in the Southeastern United States, 2012–2018
    Anthropogenic contaminants in the marine environment often biodegrade slowly, bioaccumulate in organisms, and can have deleterious effects on wildlife immunity, health, reproduction, and development. In this study, we evaluated tissue toxicant concentrations and pathology data from 83 odontocetes that stranded in the southeastern United States during 2012–2018. Mass spectrometry was used to analyze blubber samples for five organic toxicants (atrazine, bisphenol-A, diethyl phthalates, nonylphenol monoethoxylate [NPE], triclosan), and liver samples were analyzed for five non-essential elements (arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, thallium), six essential elements (cobalt, copper, manganese, iron, selenium, zinc) and one toxicant mixture class (Aroclor1268). Resultant data considerably improve upon the existing knowledge base regarding toxicant concentrations in stranded odontocetes. Toxicant and element concentrations varied based on animal demographic factors including species, sex, age, and location. Samples from bottlenose dolphins had significantly higher average concentrations of lead, manganese, mercury, selenium, thallium, and zinc, and lower average concentrations of NPE, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, and iron than samples from pygmy sperm whales. In adult female bottlenose dolphins, average arsenic concentrations were significantly higher and iron concentrations were significantly lower than in adult males. Adult bottlenose dolphins had significantly higher average concentrations of lead, mercury, and selenium, and significantly lower average manganese concentrations compared to juveniles. Dolphins that stranded in Florida had significantly higher average concentrations of lead, mercury, and selenium, and lower concentrations of iron than dolphins that stranded in North Carolina. Histopathological data are presented for 72 animals, including microscopic evidence of Campula spp. and Sarcocystis spp. infections, and results of Morbillivirus and Brucella spp. molecular diagnostic testing. Sublethal cellular changes related to toxicant exposure in free-ranging odontocetes may lead to health declines and, in combination with other factors, may contribute to stranding.
    [Page-Karjian, A., Lo, C.F., Ritchie, B., Harms, C.A., Rotstein, D.S., Han, S., Hassan, S.M., Lehner, A.F., Buchweitz, J.P., Thayer, V.G. and Sullivan, J.M., 2020. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, p.630.]
  • Anthropogenic stressors impact fish sensory development and survival via thyroid disruption
    Larval metamorphosis and recruitment represent critical life-history transitions for most teleost fishes. While the detrimental effects of anthropogenic stressors on the behavior and survival of recruiting fishes are well-documented, the physiological mechanisms that underpin these patterns remain unclear. Here, we use pharmacological treatments to highlight the role that thyroid hormones (TH) play in sensory development and determining anti-predator responses in metamorphosing convict surgeonfish, Acanthurus triostegus. We then show that high doses of a physical stressor (increased temperature of +3 °C) and a chemical stressor (the pesticide chlorpyrifos at 30 µg L−1) induced similar defects by decreasing fish TH levels and affecting their sensory development. Stressor-exposed fish experienced higher predation; however, their ability to avoid predation improved when they received supplemental TH. Our results highlight that two different anthropogenic stressors can affect critical developmental and ecological transitions via the same physiological pathway. This finding provides a unifying mechanism to explain past results and underlines the profound threat anthropogenic stressors pose to fish communities.
    [Besson, M., Feeney, W.E., Moniz, I., François, L., Brooker, R.M., Holzer, G., Metian, M., Roux, N., Laudet, V. and Lecchini, D., 2020. Nature communications, 11(1), pp.1-10.]
  • Assessing Field‐Scale Risks of Foliar Insecticide Applications to Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) Larvae
    Establishment and maintenance of milkweed plants (Asclepias spp.) in agricultural landscapes of the north central United States are needed to reverse the decline of North America's eastern monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) population. Because of a lack of toxicity data, it is unclear how insecticide use may reduce monarch productivity when milkweed habitat is placed near maize and soybean fields. To assess the potential effects of foliar insecticides, acute cuticular and dietary toxicity of 5 representative active ingredients were determined: beta‐cyfluthrin (pyrethroid), chlorantraniliprole (anthranilic diamide), chlorpyrifos (organophosphate), and imidacloprid and thiamethoxam (neonicotinoids). Cuticular median lethal dose values for first instars ranged from 9.2 × 10–3 to 79 μg/g larvae for beta‐cyfluthrin and chlorpyrifos, respectively. Dietary median lethal concentration values for second instars ranged from 8.3 × 10–3 to 8.4 μg/g milkweed leaf for chlorantraniliprole and chlorpyrifos, respectively. To estimate larval mortality rates downwind from treated fields, modeled insecticide exposures to larvae and milkweed leaves were compared to dose–response curves obtained from bioassays with first‐, second‐, third‐, and fifth‐instar larvae. For aerial applications to manage soybean aphids, mortality rates at 60 m downwind were highest for beta‐cyfluthrin and chlorantraniliprole following cuticular and dietary exposure, respectively, and lowest for thiamethoxam. To estimate landscape‐scale risks, field‐scale mortality rates must be considered in the context of spatial and temporal patterns of insecticide use.
    [Krishnan, N., Zhang, Y., Bidne, K.G., Hellmich, R.L., Coats, J.R. and Bradbury, S.P., 2020. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 39(4), pp.923-941.]
  • Cascading effects of insecticides and road salt on wetland communities
    Novel stressors introduced by human activities increasingly threaten freshwater ecosystems. The annual application of more than 2.3 billion kg of pesticide active ingredient and 22 billion kg of road salt has led to the contamination of temperate waterways. While pesticides and road salt are known to cause direct and indirect effects in aquatic communities, their possible interactive effects remain widely unknown. Using outdoor mesocosms, we created wetland communities consisting of zooplankton, phytoplankton, periphyton, and leopard frog (Rana pipiens) tadpoles. We evaluated the toxic effects of six broad-spectrum insecticides from three families (neonicotinoids: thiamethoxam, imidacloprid; organophosphates: chlorpyrifos, malathion; pyrethroids: cypermethrin, permethrin), as well as the potentially interactive effects of four of these insecticides with three concentrations of road salt (NaCl; 44, 160, 1600 Cl- mg/L). Organophosphate exposure decreased zooplankton abundance, elevated phytoplankton biomass, and reduced tadpole mass whereas exposure to neonicotinoids and pyrethroids decreased zooplankton abundance but had no significant effect on phytoplankton abundance or tadpole mass. While organophosphates decreased zooplankton abundance at all salt concentrations, effects on phytoplankton abundance and tadpole mass were dependent upon salt concentration. In contrast, while pyrethroids had no effects in the absence of salt, they decreased zooplankton and phytoplankton density under increased salt concentrations. Our results highlight the importance of multiple-stressor research under natural conditions. As human activities continue to imperil freshwater systems, it is vital to move beyond single-stressor experiments that exclude potentially interactive effects of chemical contaminants.
    [Lewis, J.L., Agostini, G., Jones, D.K. and Relyea, R.A., 2020. Environmental Pollution, p.116006.]
  • Early Life Exposure to Environmentally Relevant Levels of Endocrine Disruptors Drive Multigenerational and Transgenerational Epigenetic Changes in a Fish Model
    The inland silverside, Menidia beryllina, is a euryhaline fish and a model organism in ecotoxicology. We previously showed that exposure to picomolar (ng/L) levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can cause a variety of effects in M. beryllina, from changes in gene expression to phenotypic alterations. Here we explore the potential for early life exposure to EDCs to modify the epigenome in silversides, with a focus on multi- and transgenerational effects. EDCs included contaminants of emerging concern (the pyrethroid insecticide bifenthrin and the synthetic progestin levonorgestrel), as well as a commonly detected synthetic estrogen (ethinylestradiol), and a synthetic androgen (trenbolone) at exposure levels ranging from 3 to 10 ng/L. In a multigenerational experiment, we exposed parental silversides to EDCs from fertilization until 21 days post hatch (dph). Then we assessed DNA methylation patterns for three generations (F0, F1, and F2) in whole body larval fish using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS). We found significant (α = 0.05) differences in promoter and/or gene body methylation in treatment fish relative to controls for all EDCs and all generations indicating that both multigenerational (F1) and transgenerational (F2) effects that were caused by strict inheritance of DNA methylation alterations and the dysregulation of epigenetic control mechanisms. Using gene ontology and pathway analyses, we found enrichment in biological processes and pathways representative of growth and development, immune function, reproduction, pigmentation, epigenetic regulation, stress response and repair (including pathways important in carcinogenesis). Further, we found that a subset of potentially EDC responsive genes (EDCRGs) were differentially methylated across all treatments and generations and included hormone receptors, genes involved in steroidogenesis, prostaglandin synthesis, sexual development, DNA methylation, protein metabolism and synthesis, cell signaling, and neurodevelopment. The analysis of EDCRGs provided additional evidence that differential methylation is inherited by the offspring of EDC-treated animals, sometimes in the F2 generation that was never exposed. These findings show that low, environmentally relevant levels of EDCs can cause altered methylation in genes that are functionally relevant to impaired phenotypes documented in EDC-exposed animals and that EDC exposure has the potential to affect epigenetic regulation in future generations of fish that have never been exposed.
    [Major, K.M., DeCourten, B.M., Li, J., Britton, M., Settles, M.L., Mehinto, A.C., Connon, R.E. and Brander, S.M., 2020. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, p.471.]
  • Exposure to Boscalid Induces Reproductive Toxicity of Zebrafish by Gender-Specific Alterations in Steroidogenesis


    Boscalid is a succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor fungicide and is frequently detected in surface water. Due to the frequent detection of boscalid, we evaluated its impact on the reproduction of adult zebrafish following a 21 d exposure to 0, 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 mg/L. Following exposure to boscalid, the fertility of female zebrafish and fertilization rate of spawning eggs were reduced in a concentration-dependent manner up to a respective 87% and 20% in the highest concentration. A significant 16% reduction in the percentage of late vitellogenic oocytes was noted in ovaries, and a significant 74% reduction in the percentage of spermatids in testis was also observed after treatment with 1.0 mg/L. 17β-Estradiol (E2) concentrations decreased significantly in females (34% decrease) but significantly increased in males (15% increase) following 1.0 mg/L boscalid treatment. The expression of genes (such as eraer2bcyp19a, and cyp19b) related to the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad-liver (HPGL) axis was significantly altered and positively correlated with E2 concentrations in female and male zebrafish (p < 0.05). Molecular docking results revealed that the binding modes between boscalid and target proteins (ER and CYP19) of zebrafish were similar to that of the reference compounds and the target proteins. The binding energies indicate that boscalid may have a weak estrogen-like binding effect or CYP19 inhibition, potentially altering the HPGL axis, thereby reducing E2 concentrations and fecundity in females. In contrast, boscalid caused significant induction of E2 steroidogenesis and subsequent feminization of gonads in males, indicating gender-specific adverse outcome pathways.

    [Qian, L. et al. (2020) ‘Exposure to boscalid induces reproductive toxicity of zebrafish by gender-specific alterations in steroidogenesis’, Environmental Science & Technology, 54(22), pp. 14275–14287. doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c02871. ]
  • Human practices promote presence and abundance of disease-transmitting mosquito species
    Humans alter the environment at unprecedented rates through habitat destruction, nutrient pollution and the application of agrochemicals. This has recently been proposed to act as a potentially significant driver of pathogen-carrying mosquito species (disease vectors) that pose a health risk to humans and livestock. Here, we use a unique set of locations along a large geographical gradient to show that landscapes disturbed by a variety of anthropogenic stressors are consistently associated with vector-dominated mosquito communities for a wide range of human and livestock infections. This strongly suggests that human alterations to the environment promote the presence and abundance of disease vectors across large spatial extents. As such, it warrants further studies aimed at unravelling mechanisms underlying vector prevalence in mosquito communities, and opens up new opportunities for preventative action and predictive modelling of vector borne disease risks in relation to degradation of natural ecosystems.
    [Schrama, M., Hunting, E.R., Beechler, B.R., Guarido, M.M., Govender, D., Nijland, W., van‘t Zelfde, M., Venter, M., van Bodegom, P.M. and Gorsich, E.E., 2020. Scientific reports, 10(1), pp.1-6.]
  • Long-term effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on ants
    The widespread prophylactic usage of neonicotinoid insecticides has a clear impact on non-target organisms. However, the possible effects of long-term exposure on soil-dwelling organisms are still poorly understood especially for social insects with long-living queens. Here, we show that effects of chronic exposure to the neonicotinoid thiamethoxam on black garden ant colonies, Lasius niger, become visible before the second overwintering. Queens and workers differed in the residue-ratio of thiamethoxam to its metabolite clothianidin, suggesting that queens may have a superior detoxification system. Even though thiamethoxam did not affect queen mortality, neonicotinoid-exposed colonies showed a reduced number of workers and larvae indicating a trade-off between detoxification and fertility. Since colony size is a key for fitness, our data suggest long-term impacts of neonicotinoids on these organisms. This should be accounted for in future environmental and ecological risk assessments of neonicotinoid applications to prevent irreparable damages to ecosystems.
    [Schläppi, D., Kettler, N., Straub, L., Glauser, G. and Neumann, P., 2020. Communications biology, 3(1), pp.1-9.]
  • Long-term maternal exposure to atrazine in the drinking water reduces penis length in the tammar wallaby Macropus eugenii
    Marsupials are experiencing devastating population declines across Australia. Exposure to environmental endocrine disruptors, through ingestion of contaminated resources in the environment, could be contributing to this decline. Atrazine (ATZ), a widely used herbicide in Australia, is an endocrine disruptor with the ability to cause reproductive abnormalities in a diverse range of vertebrates. We exposed adult female wallabies (Macropus eugenii) to drinking water containing ATZ (450 p.p.m) throughout pregnancy, parturition and lactation. We assessed the outcome of this exposure to the reproductive development of their young by assessing gonad and phallus development. Both these organs are especially sensitive to perturbations in the hormonal environment during development. Although no gross abnormalities were seen in gonad structure, exposure to ATZ did alter the expression of genes required for normal testis function. Furthermore, long-term exposure to ATZ resulted in a significant reduction in penis length. These results demonstrate that ATZ exposure during gestation and lactation can significantly affect the development of male young by affecting virilisation. Given the known vulnerability of macropodid marsupials to endocrine disruption, as well as their overlapping distribution with agricultural areas, these data raise major concerns for the use of pesticides in areas with fragile marsupial populations.
    [Cook, L.E., Chen, Y., Renfree, M.B. and Pask, A.J., 2020. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 32(13), pp.1168-1168.]
  • Low doses of the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid induce ROS triggering neurological and metabolic impairments in Drosophila
    Declining insect population sizes are provoking grave concern around the world as insects play essential roles in food production and ecosystems. Environmental contamination by intense insecticide usage is consistently proposed as a significant contributor, among other threats. Many studies have demonstrated impacts of low doses of insecticides on insect behavior, but have not elucidated links to insecticidal activity at the molecular and cellular levels. Here, the histological, physiological, and behavioral impacts of imidacloprid are investigated in Drosophila melanogaster, an experimental organism exposed to insecticides in the field. We show that oxidative stress is a key factor in the mode of action of this insecticide at low doses. Imidacloprid produces an enduring flux of Ca2+ into neurons and a rapid increase in levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the larval brain. It affects mitochondrial function, energy levels, the lipid environment, and transcriptomic profiles. Use of RNAi to induce ROS production in the brain recapitulates insecticide-induced phenotypes in the metabolic tissues, indicating that a signal from neurons is responsible. Chronic low level exposures in adults lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, severe damage to glial cells, and impaired vision. The potent antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine amide (NACA), reduces the severity of a number of the imidacloprid-induced phenotypes, indicating a causal role for oxidative stress. Given that other insecticides are known to generate oxidative stress, this research has wider implications. The systemic impairment of several key biological functions, including vision, reported here would reduce the resilience of insects facing other environmental challenges.
    [Martelli, F., Zhongyuan, Z., Wang, J., Wong, C.O., Karagas, N.E., Roessner, U., Rupasinghe, T., Venkatachalam, K., Perry, T., Bellen, H.J. and Batterham, P., 2020. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(41), pp.25840-25850.]
  • Massive use of disinfectants against COVID-19 poses potential risks to urban wildlife

    Globally, massive disinfectants are used to contain the rapid spread of COVID-19. Applying massive disinfectants pose a significant threat to urban environment and wildlife. Policies are required to minimize the adverse effects on wildlife due to overuse of disinfectants.
    [Nabi, G., Wang, Y., Hao, Y., Khan, S., Wu, Y. and Li, D., 2020. Environmental Research, 188, p.109916.]

  • Micronucleus Test Reveals Genotoxic Effects in Bats Associated with Agricultural Activity
    Bats play a vital role in our ecosystems and economies as natural pest‐control agents, seed dispersers, and pollinators. Agricultural intensification, however, can impact bats foraging near crops, affecting the ecosystem services they provide. Exposure to pesticides, for example, may induce chromosome breakage or missegregation that can result in micronucleus formation. Detection of micronuclei is a simple, inexpensive, and relatively minimally invasive technique commonly used to evaluate chemical genotoxicity but rarely applied to assess wildlife genotoxic effects. We evaluated the suitability of the micronucleus test as a biomarker of genotoxicity for biomonitoring field studies in bats. We collected blood samples from insectivorous bats roosting in caves surrounded by different levels of disturbance (agriculture, human settlements) in Colima and Jalisco, west central Mexico. Then, we examined the frequency of micronucleus inclusions in erythrocytes using differentially stained blood smears. Bats from caves surrounded by proportionately more (53%) land used for agriculture and irrigated year‐round had higher micronucleus frequency than bats from a less disturbed site (15% agriculture). We conclude that the micronucleus test is a sensitive method to evaluate genotoxic effects in free‐ranging bats and could provide a useful biomarker for evaluating risk of exposure in wild populations. Environ Toxicol Chem 2021;40:202–207.
    [Sandoval‐Herrera, N., Castillo, J.P., Montalvo, L.G.H. and Welch, K.C., 2020. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.]
  • Roundup causes embryonic development failure and alters metabolic pathways and gut microbiota functionality in non-target species
    Research around the weedkiller Roundup is among the most contentious of the twenty-first century. Scientists have provided inconclusive evidence that the weedkiller causes cancer and other life-threatening diseases, while industry-paid research reports that the weedkiller has no adverse effect on humans or animals. Much of the controversial evidence on Roundup is rooted in the approach used to determine safe use of chemicals, defined by outdated toxicity tests. We apply a system biology approach to the biomedical and ecological model species Daphnia to quantify the impact of glyphosate and of its commercial formula, Roundup, on fitness, genome-wide transcription and gut microbiota, taking full advantage of clonal reproduction in Daphnia. We then apply machine learning-based statistical analysis to identify and prioritize correlations between genome-wide transcriptional and microbiota changes. We demonstrate that chronic exposure to ecologically relevant concentrations of glyphosate and Roundup at the approved regulatory threshold for drinking water in the US induce embryonic developmental failure, induce significant DNA damage (genotoxicity), and interfere with signaling. Furthermore, chronic exposure to the weedkiller alters the gut microbiota functionality and composition interfering with carbon and fat metabolism, as well as homeostasis. Using the “Reactome,” we identify conserved pathways across the Tree of Life, which are potential targets for Roundup in other species, including liver metabolism, inflammation pathways, and collagen degradation, responsible for the repair of wounds and tissue remodeling. Our results show that chronic exposure to concentrations of Roundup and glyphosate at the approved regulatory threshold for drinking water causes embryonic development failure and alteration of key metabolic functions via direct effect on the host molecular processes and indirect effect on the gut microbiota. The ecological model species Daphnia occupies a central position in the food web of aquatic ecosystems, being the preferred food of small vertebrates and invertebrates as well as a grazer of algae and bacteria. The impact of the weedkiller on this keystone species has cascading effects on aquatic food webs, affecting their ability to deliver critical ecosystem services.
    [Suppa, A., Kvist, J., Li, X., Dhandapani, V., Almulla, H., Tian, A.Y., Kissane, S., Zhou, J., Perotti, A., Mangelson, H. and Langford, K., 2020. Microbiome, 8(1), pp.1-15.]
  • The Combined Algae Test for the Evaluation of Mixture Toxicity in Environmental Samples
    The combined algae test is a 96-well plate-based algal toxicity assay with the green algae Raphidocelis subcapitata that combines inhibition of 24-h population growth rate with inhibition of photosynthesis detected after 2 and 24 h with pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry using a Maxi-Imaging PAM. The combined algae test has been in use for more than a decade but has had limitations due to incompatibilities of the measurements of the 2 biological endpoints on the same microtiter plates. These limitations could be overcome by increasing growth rates and doubling times on black, clear-bottom 96-well plates by application of dichromatic red/blue light-emitting diode illumination. Different robotic dosing approaches and additional data evaluation methods helped to further expand the applicability domain of the assay. The combined algae test differentiates between nonspecifically acting compounds and photosynthesis inhibitors, such as photosystem II (PSII) herbicides. The PSII herbicides acted immediately on photosynthesis and showed growth rate inhibition at higher concentrations. If growth was a similar or more sensitive endpoint than photosynthesis inhibition, this was an indication that the tested chemical acted nonspecifically or that a mixture or a water sample was dominated by chemicals other than PSII herbicides acting on algal growth. We fingerprinted the effects of 45 chemicals on photosynthesis inhibition and growth rate and related the effects of the single compounds to designed mixtures of these chemicals detected in water samples and to the effects directly measured in water samples. Most of the observed effects in the water samples could be explained by known photosystem II inhibitors such as triazines and phenylurea herbicides. The improved setup of the combined algae test gave results consistent with those of the previous method but has lower costs, higher throughput, and higher precision.
    [Glauch, L. and Escher, B.I., 2020. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 39(12), pp.2496-2508.]
  • A neonicotinoid insecticide reduces fueling and delays migration in songbirds


    Neonicotinoids are neurotoxic insecticides widely used as seed treatments, but little is known of their effects on migrating birds that forage in agricultural areas. We tracked the migratory movements of imidacloprid-exposed songbirds at a landscape scale using a combination of experimental dosing and automated radio telemetry. Ingestion of field-realistic quantities of imidacloprid (1.2 or 3.9 milligrams per kilogram body mass) by white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) during migratory stopover caused a rapid reduction in food consumption, mass, and fat and significantly affected their probability of departure. Birds in the high-dose treatment stayed a median of 3.5 days longer at the site of capture after exposure as compared with controls, likely to regain fuel stores or recover from intoxication. Migration delays can carry over to affect survival and reproduction; thus, these results confirm a link between sublethal pesticide exposure and adverse outcomes for migratory bird populations.

    [Eng, M.L., Stutchbury, B.J. and Morrissey, C.A. (2019) ‘A neonicotinoid insecticide reduces fueling and delays migration in songbirds’, Science, 365(6458), pp. 1177–1180. doi:10.1126/science.aaw9419. ]
  • Endocrine disrupting chemicals: Impact on human health, wildlife and the environment


    Endocrine disrupting chemicals are a group of pollutants that can affect the endocrine system and lead to diseases and dysfunctions across the lifespan of organisms. They are omnipresent. They are in the air we breathe, in the food we eat and in the water we drink. They can be found in our everyday lives through personal care products, household cleaning products, furniture and in children’s toys. Every year, hundreds of new chemicals are produced and released onto the market without being tested, and they reach our bodies through everyday products. Permanent exposure to those chemicals may intensify or even become the main cause for the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer. In recent years, legislation and regulations have been implemented, which aim to control the release of potentially adverse endocrine disrupting chemicals, often invoking the precautionary principle. The objective of this review is to provide an overview of research on environmental aspects of endocrine disrupting chemicals and their effects on human health, based on evidence from animal and human studies. Emphasis is given to three ubiquitous and persistent groups of chemicals, polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and organochlorine pesticides, and on two non-persistent, but ubiquitous, bisphenol A and phthalates. Some selected historical cases are also presented and successful cases of regulation and legislation described. These led to a decrease in exposure and consequent minimization of the effects of these compounds. Recommendations from experts on this field, World Health Organization, scientific reports and from the Endocrine Society are included.

    [Encarnação, T. et al. (2019) ‘Endocrine disrupting chemicals: Impact on human health, wildlife and the environment’, Science Progress, 102(1), pp. 3–42. doi:10.1177/0036850419826802. ]
  • Dysbiosis and early mortality in zebrafish larvae exposed to subclinical concentrations of streptomycin.
    Exposure to low concentrations of antibiotics found in aquatic environments can increase susceptibility to infection in adult fish due to microbiome disruption. However, little is known regarding the effect of antibiotic pollution on fish larvae. Here, we show that exposure to streptomycin, a common antibiotic used in medicine and aquaculture, disrupts the normal composition of zebrafish larvae microbiomes, significantly reducing the microbial diversity found in the fish. Exposure to streptomycin also significantly increased early mortality among fish larvae, causing full mortality within a few days of exposure at 10 μg/mL. Finally, we found that subclinical concentrations of streptomycin also increased the abundance of class 1 integrons, an integrase-dependent genetic system associated to the horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes, in the larvae microbiomes. These results suggest that even low concentrations of streptomycin associated with environmental pollution could impact fish populations and lead to the creation of antibiotic resistance reservoirs.
    [Pindling, S., Azulai, D., Zheng, B., Dahan, D. and Perron, G.G., 2018. FEMS microbiology letters, 365(18), p.fny188.]
  • Environmental concentrations of triclosan activate cellular defence mechanism and generate cytotoxicity on zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos.
    Triclosan (TCS, 5‑chloro‑2‑(2,4‑dichlorophenoxy) phenol) is becoming a major surface waters pollutant worldwide at concentrations ranging from ng L−1 to μg L−1. Up to now, the adverse effects on aquatic organisms have been investigated at concentrations higher than the environmental ones, and the pathways underlying the observed toxicity are still not completely understood. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the toxic effects of TCS at environmental concentrations on zebrafish embryos up to 120 hours post fertilization (hpf). The experimental design was planned considering both the quantity and the exposure time for the effects on the embryos, exposing them to two different concentrations (0.1 μg L−1, 1 μg L−1) of TCS, for 24 h (from 96 to 120 hpf) and for 120 h (from 0 to 120 hpf). A suite of biomarkers was applied to measure the induction of embryos defence system, the possible increase of oxidative stress and the DNA damage. We measured the activity of glutathione‑S‑transferase (GST), P‑glycoprotein efflux and ethoxyresorufin‑o‑deethylase (EROD), the level of ROS, the oxidative damage through the Protein Carbonyl Content (PCC) and the activity of antioxidant enzymes. The genetic damage was evaluated through DNA Diffusion Assay, Micronucleus test (MN test), and Comet test. The results showed a clear response of embryos defence mechanism, through the induction of P-gp efflux functionality and the activity of detoxifying/antioxidant enzymes, preventing the onset of oxidative damage. Moreover, the significant increase of cell necrosis highlighted a strong cytotoxic potential for TCS. The overall results obtained with environmental concentrations and both exposure time, underline the critical risk associated to the presence of TCS in the aquatic environment.
    [Parenti, CC et al. 2018. Science of the Total Environment 650 (2019): 1752-1758.]
  • Insecticide Resistance and Its Intensity in Populations of Malaria Vectors in Colombia
    Insecticide resistance in malaria vectors threatens malaria prevention and control efforts. In Colombia the three primary vectors, Anopheles darlingi, An. nuneztovari s.l., and An. albimanus, have reported insecticide resistance to pyrethroids, organophosphates, carbamates, and DDT; however, the insecticide resistance monitoring is not continuous, and the data on the prevalence of resistance is scarce and geographically limited. We describe the resistance levels and intensity of previously detected resistant populations among primary malaria vectors from the most endemic malaria areas in Colombia. The study was carried out in 10 localities of five states in Colombia. Bioassays were carried out following the methodology of CDC Bottle Bioassay using the discriminating concentration and in order to quantify the intensity the specimens were exposed to 2, 5, and 10X discriminating concentrations. Five insecticides were tested: deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, alpha-cypermethrin, permethrin, and DDT. The results provide evidence of low resistance intensity and resistance highly localized to pyrethroids and DDT in key malaria vectors in Colombia. This may not pose a threat to malaria control yet but frequent monitoring is needed to follow the evolution of insecticide resistance.
    [Orjuela, L. et al. (2018) Insecticide Resistance and Its Intensity in Populations of Malaria Vectors in Colombia, BioMed Research International. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2018/9163543.]
  • Diamondback terrapins as indicator species of persistent organic pollutants: Using Barnegat Bay, New Jersey as a case study
    The diamondback terrapin's (Malaclemys terrapin) wide geographic distribution, long life span, occurrence in a variety of habitats within the saltmarsh ecosystem, predatory foraging behavior, and high site fidelity make it a useful indicator species for contaminant monitoring in estuarine ecosystems. In this study fat biopsies and plasma samples were collected from males and females from two sites within Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, as well as tissues from a gravid female and blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), which are terrapin prey. Samples were analyzed for persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), chlorinated pesticides, and methyl-triclosan. Terrapins from the northern site, Spizzle Creek, closest to influences from industrial areas, had higher POP concentrations for both tissues than terrapins from the less impacted Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. Sex differences were observed with males having higher contaminant concentrations in fat and females in plasma. PCB patterns in terrapin fat and plasma were comparable to other wildlife. Plasma contaminant concentrations significantly and positively correlated with those in fat. This study addresses several aspects of using the terrapin as an indicator species for POP monitoring: site and sex differences, tissue sampling choices, maternal transfer, and biomagnification.
    [Basile ER, Avery HW, Bien WF, Keller JM. 2011. Chemosphere. 82(1):137-44]
  • Incidence of organochlorine pesticides and the health condition of nestling ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) at Laguna San Ignacio, a pristine area of Baja California Sur, Mexico.
    Researchers identified and quantified organochlorine (OC) pesticide residues in the plasma of 28 osprey (Pandion haliaetus) nestlings from a dense population in Laguna San Ignacio, a pristine area of Baja California Sur, Mexico, during the 2001 breeding season. Sixteen OC pesticides were identified and quantified. a-, ß-, d- and ?-hexachlorocyclohexane, heptaclor, heptachlor epoxide, endosulfan I and II, endosulfan-sulfate, p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDD, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, endrin aldehyde, and endrin ketone were the OCs found in the plasma of nestlings, ranging from 0.002 to 6.856 pg/µl (parts per billion). No differences were found in the concentration of pesticides between genders (P > 0.05). In this work, the concentrations detected in the plasma were lower than those reported to be a threat for the species and that affect the survival and reproduction of birds. The presence of OC pesticides in the remote Laguna San Ignacio osprey population is an indication of the ubiquitous nature of these contaminants. OCs are apparently able to travel long distances from their source to the study area. A significant relationship between hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrations and OC concentrations were found suggesting that a potential effect on the health of chicks may exist in this osprey population caused by the OC, e.g. anemia. The total proteins were positively correlated with a-BHC, endosulfan I, and p,p'-DDD. It has been suggested that OC also affects competitive interactions and population status over the long term in vertebrate species, and these results could be used as reference information for comparison with other more exposed osprey populations.
    [Rivera-Rodríguez LB, Rodríguez-Estrella R. 2011. Ecotoxicology.;20(1):29-38]
  • Flame retardants and organochlorine pollutants in bald eagle plasma from the Great Lakes region
    Study reports measurements of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and of emerging flame retardants in the plasma of nestling bald eagles sampled from early May to late June of 2005. Concentrations of total PBDEs ranged from 0.35 ng g(-1) ww to 29.3 ng g(-1) ww. Several emerging flame retardants, such as pentabromoethylbenzene (PBEB), hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs), and Dechlorane Plus (DP), were detected in these samples. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides were also detected at levels close to those previously published. A statistically significant relationship was found between total PBDE concentrations and total PCB and p,p'-DDE concentrations, suggesting that these compounds share a common source, which is most likely the eagle's food.
    [Venier M. et al. 2010. Chemosphere.80(10):1234-40]
  • Partitioning of persistent organic pollutants between blubber and blood of wild bottlenose dolphins: implications for biomonitoring and health
    Biomonitoring surveys of wild cetaceans commonly utilize blubber as a means to assess exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), but the relationship between concentrations in blubber and those in blood, a better indicator of target organ exposure, is poorly understood. To define this relationship, matched blubber and plasma samples (n = 56) were collected from free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and analyzed for 61 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, 5 polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners, and 13 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). With the exception of PCB 209, lipid-normalized concentrations of the major POPs in blubber and plasma were positively and significantly correlated (R(2) = 0.828 to 0.976). Plasma concentrations, however, significantly increased with declining blubber lipid content, suggesting that as lipid is utilized, POPs are mobilized into blood. Compound- and homologue- specific blubber/blood partition coefficients also differed according to lipid content, suggesting POPs are selectively mobilized from blubber. Overall, these results suggest that with the regression parameters derived here, blubber may be used to estimate blood concentrations and vice versa. Additionally, the mobilization of lipid from blubber and concomitant increase in contaminants in blood suggests cetaceans with reduced blubber lipid may be at greater risk for contaminant-associated health effects.
    [Yordy JE, Wells RS, Balmer BC, Schwacke LH, Rowles TK, Kucklick JR. 2010. Environ Sci Technol. 15;44(12):4789-95]
  • Concentrations in bird feathers reflect regional contamination with organic pollutants
    Feathers have recently been shown to be potentially useful non-destructive biomonitoring tools for organic pollutants. However, the suitability of feathers to monitor regional variations in contamination has not been investigated until now. Here concentrations of organic pollutants were compared in feathers of common magpies (Pica pica) between urban and rural areas in Flanders, Belgium. The results showed that concentrations of p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) were significantly higher in the rural areas, while polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were significantly more available in an urban environment. This pattern agrees with previous studies using other tissues than feathers as a biomonitoring tool. In addition, differences in PCBs and PBDEs profiles were found with lower halogenated congeners being more prominent in the urban areas in comparison to the rural areas. In summary, feathers seem to reflect regional variations in contamination, which strengthens their usefulness as a non-destructive biomonitor for organic pollutants.
    [Jaspers VL, Covaci A, Deleu P, Eens M. 2009. Sci Total Environ;407(4):1447-51]
  • Chiral organochlorine contaminants in blood and eggs of glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) from the Norwegian Arctic.
    Glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) and their eggs from Svalbard (Norwegian Arctic) have been used as biomonitors of contaminants in the marine environment. In this study, the enantiomer fractions (EFs) of chiral chlordanes and atropisomeric polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners were determined in the blood plasma of adult male and female glaucous gulls from three breeding colonies in Svalbard. Plasma EFs were similar in magnitude and direction to EFs previously reported in glaucous gulls from other arctic food webs, suggesting overall similarities in the biochemical processes influencing the EFs of bioaccumulated organochlorine (OC) contaminants within the food webs at those locations. Additionally, EFs in yolk of eggs collected concurrently from within the same nesting colonies varied with location, laying date, and OC concentrations, and may be influenced by changes in the local feeding ecology between those colonies. The use of eggs as a valuable and noninvasive means of OC biomonitoring may also extend to enantiomer compositions in glaucous gulls, and perhaps also in other seabird species from arctic regions.
    [Ross MS, Verreault J, Letcher RJ, Gabrielsen GW, Wong CS. 2008. Environ Sci Technol.;42(19):7181-6]
  • Can predatory bird feathers be used as a non-destructive biomonitoring tool of organic pollutants?
    The monitoring of different types of pollutants that are released into the environment, and that present risks for both humans and wildlife have become increasingly important. In this study, authors examined whether feathers of predatory birds can be used as a non-destructive biomonitor of organic pollutants. Study demonstrates that polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are measurable in one single tail feather of common buzzards (Buteo buteo) and that levels in this feather and internal tissues are significantly related to each other. Findings provide the first indication that feathers of predatory birds could be useful in non-destructive biomonitoring of organic pollutants, although further validation may be necessary.
    [Jaspers, V,L. et al. 2006. Biol. Lett. 2, 283-285]
  • Organochlorine chemical residues in fish from the Mississippi River basin, 1995.
    Fish were collected in late 1995 from 34 National Contaminant Biomonitoring Program (NCBP) stations and 13 National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA) stations in the Mississippi River basin (MRB) and in late 1996 from a reference site in West Virginia. Four composite samples, each comprising (nominally) 10 adult common carp (Cyprinus carpio) or black bass (Micropterus spp.) of the same sex, were collected from each site and analyzed for organochlorine chemical residues. At the NCBP stations, which are located on relatively large rivers, concentrations of organochlorine chemical residues were generally lower than when last sampled in the mid-1980s. Residues derived from DDT (primarily p,p'-DDE) were detected at all sites (including the reference site); however, only traces of the parent insecticide (p,p'-DDT) were present, which indicates continued weathering of residual DDT from past use. Nevertheless, concentrations of DDT (as p,p'-DDE) in fish from the cotton-farming regions of the lower MRB were great enough to constitute a hazard to fish-eating wildlife and were especially high at the NAWQA sites on the lower-order rivers and streams of the Mississippi embayment. Mirex was detected at only two sites, both in Louisiana, and toxaphene was found exclusively in the lower MRB. Most cyclodiene pesticides (dieldrin, chlordane, and heptachlor epoxide) were more widespread in their distributions, but concentrations were lower than in the 1980s except at a site on the Mississippi River near Memphis, TN. Concentrations were also somewhat elevated at sites in the Corn Belt. Endrin was detected exclusively at the Memphis site. PCB concentrations generally declined, and residues were detected at only 35% of the stations, mostly in the more industrialized parts of the MRB.
    [Schmitt CJ. 2002. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol.;43(1):81-97]